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He wants to swindle a proper young lady and convert her into a Buddhist nun?? Is she so poorly off at the Li Manor that she might as well be a nun?!

Taehyung hurriedly pulled Jungkook back while smiling at Grand Master Hui Guang, “Grand Master, although you have a unique insight into people, Madame Bai is already married. What’s more, her heart hasn’t discarded the secular world. How can Grand Master force someone to convert?”

Unexpectedly, Hui Guang let out a sigh and spoke, “Reincarnation in the secular world is as ephemeral as bubbles in the water. This female patron is one of the rare people born into this world with an affinity for Buddha. Why must you be embroiled in the matters of this world again? What a pity.”

“Many thanks for Grand Master’s pointers.” She’d never thought about leaving to become a nun. If it was to guide her back to her world, then she would’ve been delighted to go along.



Grand Master Hui Guang recited Buddha’s name and said, “This old monk will never give up.”

The corners of Lisa's mouth twitched. This Grand Master was extremely odd! “Grand Master, you are very dedicated.”

She issued a friendly reminder, but who knew that her words would make Grand Master Hui Guang laughed out loud. He replied, “True, true. Lady Patron does indeed stand out from the masses.”


Lisa was a little speechless. She’d merely spoken a few words. How had it turned into her standing out from the masses?

The old master was similarly speechless. He’d merely wanted to take the opportunity of meeting the grandmaster to praise the fourth madame. How did it turn into Grand Master Hui Guang taking a fancy to her? He thought about the great efforts he had taken to invite the grandmaster, but never once had the grandmaster mentioned inviting him to live in the temple, nor expounding on Buddha’s scriptures for him.

Suddenly, Grand Master Hui Shou coughed and leaned to the side. Astonishingly, he kept leaning further and further until he toppled over. Startled, everyone ran over to him.

“Grand Master! What’s wrong, Grand Master?” The old master was the first to arrive at the grand master’s side. He was also constantly gasping for breath, possibly out of his anxiety. Suddenly, he flushed red and dry-retched twice.

What’s going on? Kim taehyung promptly instructed someone to call the doctor. Everyone flew into a flurry of action and tidied up the couch in a side room next to the hall, carrying the two people there.

Lisa also felt that the situation was strange. How could two perfectly fine people fall ill at the same time? Not only that, there was a sweet kind of fragrance permeating the air. What could this scent be? She hadn’t paid attention to it earlier, but she noticed it now that she’d raised her head.

This Buddha hall was surprisingly decorated with many pots of tulips, all of which were in full bloom. It was very rare to be able to see that kind of flowers in this season, not to mention having them in full bloom.

Wait for a second, there were no such flowers in ancient times! But she had no time to ponder that issue as she remembered the more important information she once learned regarding those tulips. Although these flowers were very pretty, the plant itself contained a fair amount of poison.

It might not have been a problem if it was only a single plant. However, there were many blooming tulips being cultivated in this closed environment, turning the situation pessimistic. She recalled that the symptoms of tulip poisoning would present themselves in the form of chest pain, nausea, dyspnea and even loss of consciousness. However, she didn’t know if anyone would believe her words if she were to say them right now.

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