The Instagram Story

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Eventually our coaches arrived while Andrey and I practiced for Ilya and started running better drills with us. I couldn't help but watch the way Andrey looked at his nephew and sister with such love and happiness. 

To myself, I smiled knowing that he would even be happier in a few hours when he learns his mother was here too. 

As quickly as my smile came, I felt it fade thinking about my own family. I hadn't heard a single thing from them since I came to Charleston. I knew my mother was disappointed with me, and when my mother didn't want to talk, my father stayed in her corner rather than checking on me. 

Looking over at me, I watched Rublev's eyebrows burrow, mouthing, "Are you okay?" I nodded, shaking my head and taking a deep breath before taking the serve from Maria. 

Halfway through our practice during our break, Anna came to our bench to tell Andrey they were going to a walk, but would be in the lobby at our bed and breakfast for dinner. 

"Martha, I think it would be wonderful if you joined us,  I already have the reservation set," she said, picking up Ilya in the process. 

I squinted my eyes, wanting Rublev to have the time he wanted with his family himself, "No, that's so sweet, but I wouldn't want to intrude."

"Oh you wouldn't be at all my dear, I want to know more about the girl Andrey never stops talking about," she said cheekily, looking at Andrey. 

"Anna," he yelped, his cheeks turning a soft pink. Clearing his throat, "You should come Mars."

I could feel Anna's eye bouncing between the two of us before she shrugged, "I hope to see you with us, make sure Andrey wears something decent," she joked, planting a kiss on Andrey's cheek before leaving the court. 

"I am so jealous you are an only child," Andrey's laughs taking a sip of water. Taking a seat next to him I nodded, offering a small smile even though I didn't really feel that way. I  was the one who was jealous. 

Andrey has a sister that loved him so deeply and parents that wanted the best for him. And I know how prevalent his grandparents were in his life when he was younger, but me? I didn't have that. I loved my parents, of course, but sometimes it felt conditional. If I didn't live up to their expectations, then they wanted less to do with me. I knew they wouldn't come to an event like this, but here was Andrey's family, happy to support him no matter what. 

"Mars?" Andrey whispered, nudging his foot against mine. 

"Hmmm?" I mumbled back, flicking my eyes towards him. 

"You will come tonight, yes?"

Scanning his face, I nodded gently, "Only if you want me there, I don't want to take time away from your sister."

Turning towards me, "No, please come. I think we both need a little bit away from the b&b," he joked, "If I have to hear Vicente say one more thing about the food, I might explode."

"Plus we won't have Rob asking us which emoji is 'more hip'" I add, standing up and grabbing my racquet and heading back to the court. 


After our morning practice, physio, and more yoga, Andrey and I headed back to our rooms to get cleaned up for the evening. 

"You know this was the first time I remember you smiling during practice," Andrey whispered in the elevator.


"I mean, you look like you actually enjoyed practice today, that's all."

I thought about it and I did. I felt relaxed, I felt happy. Less mistakes, sure, but I knew even when I did, Andrey was there to pick me back up. 

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