Chapter Sixteen

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Mason's POV:

I am currently sitting in my truck, driving back to the house with Kamryn. She took an Uber to work this morning and decided to catch a ride home with me. Now I get to listen to her non-stop excitement about my date. Don't get me wrong, I am excited but a person can only take so much enthusiasm in one day.

"Are you ready for your date?" Kamryn squeals as we pull into the driveway.

"Ready is one word for it." Maybe not the word I would use. But it's a word nonetheless. We both get out of the car and head inside the house.

"I am so excited for you! This is going to be amazing. You're going to have so much fun and get married and have kids.  I have so many thoughts on how to do your hair and makeup. But first we need to find you an outfit." Kamryn grabs my hand and drags me up the stairs to my room.

"Woah, woah, woah. Nobody is getting married and that is definitely moving way too fast. It's just one date."

"Yes, but one date turns into two, then three, then infinity..."

I sit down on my bed as she goes to my closet. I wonder how long this process will take. Lord knows Kamryn can take forever to get ready for work, so how long will she take to find me an outfit.

She searches through my closet for an hour trying to find, and I quote, "The most perfect dress anyone has ever worn in the history of people wearing perfect dresses!" Yeah, definitely a mouthful. I close my eyes and try to take a nap while she throws clothes in every direction, covering my room.

Suddenly I hear a scream and my eyes snap open. Kamryn emerges from my closest with a devilish grin on her face and holding something behind her back.

"I found the dress. Jack isn't going to be able to keep his eyes off of you."

She pulls out a dress that had to be hidden deep within my closet. I own less than ten dresses and I don't ever remember seeing this one.

It's a maroon red bodycon dress that goes to about mid-thigh. It has lace long sleeves and, by some miracle, goes perfectly with the only pair of heels I own. A pair of black pumps I had hidden away. I reluctantly put on the dress and shoes; they make me so uncomfortable.

I turn and look in the mirror. I do have to admit I look nice. Better than my normal t-shirt and shorts. I hear Kamryn gasp from behind me.

"You look beautiful Mase! I mean, you always look pretty but wow. I would totally go for you if I swung that way!" She laughs.

"Careful. Don't let Chase know you said that," I smile.

Kamryn sits me in a chair as she does my hair and makeup. I swear she was a beautician in her past life. We keep it simple with natural waves and natural makeup. She gives me a simple smoky eye, but nothing to take away from my actual face. "Something to enhance your eyes," she says. It is quickly nearing 6:30, the time Jack and I agreed on for him to pick me up.

Kamryn and I go downstairs to wait and the doorbell rings about ten minutes later. I grab my purse off of the counter and put my phone inside. I open the door and see Jack standing there with a bunch of roses and a smile on his face.

"Hey," I say, feeling awkward just standing there.

"Hey," he replies. "You look beautiful Mason."

I feel my cheeks heat up and mutter a quiet thank you. He hands me the roses, which I give to Kamryn to put in water. Jack reaches for my hand and leads me to his car. I always make fun of him for his car so I can't wait to make a comment about it once we get in.

"You just had to bring the Prius," I say.

He rolls his eyes but smiles. "What do you have against my Prius?"

"Nothing, nothing at all," I reply with a smirk.


Soon we arrive at the restaurant. La Bella Cucina. One of my favorites. Its the only fancy restaurant I like because I have a small obsession with Italian cuisine. I stumbled upon it one day when I was exploring the town. Right after I moved in with Kamryn, I spent a couple days just exploring and I found some of my favorite places that day. One of those places included this restaurant.

I remember coming home and talking about this place for hours to anyone who would listen. That person just happened to be Jack because Kamryn wasn't home and Jack decided to show up unannounced. 

Jack has been the perfect gentleman so far. He opens my car door for me and holds my hand as we walk towards the entrance. We made small talk in the car, but it felt weird. Different then normal. It was still fun to catch up though, not that we haven't talked recently. When we get inside the restaurant he gives his name to the hostess and she grabs menus and silverware, before directing us to our table. Everything is going perfect until I look up at the man sitting at the table next to us. I'm not sure if I should run or hide...


Hey lovelies! I know this chapter is short and it isn't the greatest but it is mostly a filler for the next chapter. There will be lots of drama coming up...

I will try to update again by next week but no promises. I just got a new job which has kept me really busy.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2021 ⏰

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