Chapter Eight

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Mason POV:

"Oh my god!" Kamryn screamed. A few heads turned in our direction. "Christ lady! What is wrong with you? You basically gave me and everyone else here a heart attack with that scream." She looked at me apologetically. "I'm sorry, but Chase texted me! The one from last night! I can't believe it. I mean I really like him, but I thought he would think it was a one time thing. I didn't think he would text me!" She rambled out. "Well? What did he say?" I say curiously. "He said hey! How awesome is that?" I laugh. My bestfriend is a hopeless romantic sometimes. I mean I am too, but I am better at hiding it.

Kamryn and I spent around three hours at the mall before I was completely done with it. I love Kamryn and all but that girl could spend years in the mall or outlets. I mean, come on. How much clothing do you need in one shopping trip. When we left the mall Kam had around 6 big bags of clothes, whereas I had one bag. All I got was a couple flannels and some new t-shirts. Most of my clothes have traces of grease covering them.

I look over to Kamryn and she has her nose buried in her phone. Looks like I am driving. I have no idea how she managed to still shop this much while texting Chase almost the entire time. Chase seems like a really nice guy and he better treat her right, or his face will meet my fist. Chase seems like the polar opposite of James. They are hot and cold, black and white, sweet and spicy, nothing alike. How can someone so nice be best friends with a Grade-A jerk? I wonder to myself. Thinking about James puts me in a bad mood and I want to punch something. "Hey Kam, we are going to make a stop. And you are coming since I came shopping," I tell her, not leaving any room for arguing. I make a U-turn and head towards my destination. "Where are we going?" Kam asks. "Where do you think?" I reply.

Soon enough we pull into the parking lot. I quickly scan the parking lot for anyone I recognize or cars that look familiar. I always find myself looking over my shoulder, but I can't help it with my past. After making sure everything is okay, I head into the building and head to the locker room. Thankfully I left a pair of spandex shorts and t-shirt here last time I came. I get changed and grab my gloves and gear. I head out and see Kamryn sitting off to the side. She isn't texting anymore so he must have had to go. I love Kam for this. She knows I needed to let some anger out, so she came even though she doesn't have anything to do here. I wave to her and climb into the ring to warm up. Mr. Daniels, the owner, saw me come in and signed me up for the first match available, which is right now. He knows I come to let out my anger, and has become a good friend over the years. I stretch and warm up as my opponent comes into the ring. He is huge, but I can easily take him. When he walks he leans toward the left a lot, so he has a hard time balancing and doesn't have a good center of gravity. I notice that his right hand is bruised, so he must have boxed recently.

I hear the timer go off and the match begins. He throws the first punch, which I avoid easily. He is slow and predictable with his moves. I circle around him for another couple seconds avoiding every punch he throws with ease, trying to tire him out. When I see an opening, I take it. Left hook, right hook, upper cut. He swung at me again and I ducked, punching him in the gut. After a few more minutes of this, the match ended. I heard applause coming from around the ring, where a crowd had formed. "Look at him! He totally whooped his a**!" "Damn man, he rocked you!" Of course these guys would assume I am a guy. What is it with people thinking I am a guy. I pull my gear off and people look to see who beat their fighter. A collective gasp went through the gym when they saw me. "What, you have never seen a girl box?" I say with a smirk. I turn to look for Kamryn when I see a person I would have rather avoided. He was here. At the gym. In the private room. The smirk fell off my face and was replaced with a scowl. I stepped out of the ring and turned around, walking away from him. I was in no mood to talk to him today, tomorrow, or ever. I see Kamryn running over to me.

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