Rick Gone Mad

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When I wake up everyone has left, Carl is still sleeping next to me, I look to the other side and Rick isn't there. I get up slowly so I don't wake Carl, I walk into the kitchen and there he is, Rick Grimes. "Good morning beautiful." Rick said as he walked to me to give me a hug. I loved his hugs, they felt safe. " Good morning Rick" He let go of me and walked to the table, "Carol made breakfast before she left." I walked to the table with him. We both sat down and started to eat. "Hey Rick, can I ask you something?" Rick stop eating and looked at me with a smile on his face." Ask away." I put my fork down and look at him, "So um, that one girl that cut your hair, Daryl told me about her. Well I heard her husband yelling abs then some load noise after, then it went quiet." Ricks smile dropped, we both hatted people like that guy! " When was this?" " last night, while y'all were sleeping I went on the porch because I wasn't feeling well." Rick got worried, " Are you okay now?" I smiled "Yes I am, but I was wondering if you wanted to come with me to check it out and see if she's okay?" Rick smiled again. "Of course!"

-Time skip-
We were walking to Jessie's house, Rick was holding my hand the whole walk there, Daryl was right he did like me, I love him a lot but I don't think I want a relationship during this apocalypse. I will always love him though. Rick knocked on the door, It was about 2 minutes before Someone answered, It was Jessie, " Hey Jessie, this is Y/N, she wanted to ask you something." Jessie looked at me. " Hi, Well last night I heard yelling from your house and then a load noise, and after that it was quiet" "Are you okay?" I asked Jessie. She nodded and was about to close the door before Rick stopped her. " Is your husband here, I'm we would like to speak with him?!" Jessie was about to say something when her husband Walked in the room. He saw me and Rick, he looked mad, " Pete leave them alone, they just stoped by to ask me something!" Jessie yelled at Pete. Pete! What a weird name! "Pete, did you hit your wife?" Rick asked, I stood  there staring at Pete. Not blinking. "Why would you ask that! WHY WOULD I HIT MY WIFE?!" Pete yelled at Rick. (Time skip) We were inside the hose now, Rick and Pete were arguing, then all of a sudden they started fighting, "RICK!" I yelled as they both fell out the window. Me and Jessie ran out the house and follows them, once we found them they were fighting in the road. Rick was beating the Shit out of him! " RICK! STOP!" I yelled at him, He couldn't here me, he was to angry. After I yelled Everyone started Coming out of there homes. Glenn saw us and ran toward us. Daryl ran to me. They stoped Rick from killing Pete. Rick had blood all over his face and hands from the fight, Pete was on the ground, I noticed Jessie's Black eye as she ran to him!

-Time skip-Rick was out in a house that he had to stay in every day all day, I always went to visit him with Carl, He was always happy to see us, when he was awake

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-Time skip-
Rick was out in a house that he had to stay in every day all day, I always went to visit him with Carl, He was always happy to see us, when he was awake. He would always want me to stay with him, after Carl would leave with Michonne. One time I even fell asleep in the room, I didn't want to leave him, I was starting to like him a lot.

Authors note: Like I said, There is going to be a plot twist with the love. :) <3

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