Chapter 16 : know each other

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Mia : 

It was now 3 am and I could not sleep, despise the long hours when I kept company to Noah. I can say that I am proud of what my efforts converted too

he was now acknowledging me, and by occasions he would speak to me and lt me help him with some of his difficult tasks, he finally started to open to me

standing in the kitchen I had realize that I could no longer go back to sleep, I was not sleepy, my eyes were wide awake so I decided to take a sit in the beautifully decorated garden where the moon shined the most and his light was illuminating all of the flowers

my peace broke when I heard some light steps behind me coming in my direction

"I can distinguish the sound of your foot steps boss" turning my head at the same time, getting an approached look of the semi god that stood before me

"you usually get scared when you notice my presence later" he said taking a seat beside me

"my ears are now well trained Mr Davis"

"what brings you here so late Emilia" he said while keeping his gaze  in front of him on the full moon in front of us

" difficulties to sleep, and a somehow migraine"

"what brings you here, Mr Davis"

 I"the exact identical as you, I could not find sleep so I decided to ressource myself with the peaceful sight \\

"it is funny how I used to think that drinking a big glass of milk could help me with insomnia" "but I guess the trick only works when you're a child that still believes in Santa Claus

we simultaneously started laughing 

"lets drop the formalities Mia, just for tonight" he said turning his body to me in the same time

"As you want ,Davis"

"Well since I exposed my history to you, could I have the chance to know somethings about the grand Davis Lucas"

"Why would you want too" he said looking through my eyes with his soft eyes 

"We both know that you don't owe me, but I just really want to know  one fact or something that you like " I said with a smirk on my lips

i didnt knew what occured in my head when I asked this, I just wanted to know more about him

he took his time before starting to talk again

"One time I was playing with the curtains in our house with one of my cousin, we were playing hide and seek and when it was my time to hide, when I tried hiding  behind the curtains. "

"I think you can guess what happened after" he said looking at me

"oh no"

"yes, ripped the whole curtain down and since I didn't want the blame on me, we both hid the long curtain under the sofa"

"no way, and no one find out" 

"well they did find out but only 2 weeks later because we kept moving the curtain and hiding it somewhere different every time my cousin came to the house"

"you are one dangerous man, Davis, remind me to never call you if I want to hide a body" 

"wait why, it did work" he said looking back at the dark sky

"but you got caught" 

"well I did, get caught I assume, but that was back then, I am a grown man now, I could help you now"

"you seem a little too excited about this hiding body thing, you're way too suspicious"

"After all you don't know how many persons that were like you that I brought to my house for shelter" he said looking at me with a blank face

we burst out into laughs and we continued our discussion walking through the garden while telling our childhood stories , well most were from Davis for obvious reasons. 

We were now sitted on a little bench 

"i didnt realize how vast was your garden before"I said pointing at all the flowers and grass around us

"i dinde knew it was that vast either"

we sat for a couple of more minutes in silence doing small talk when I felt light breeze touching my skin, making the little body hair on my hair rise

"It is getting cold, let me get something"

he  walked a few steps then turned a corner where the light of the moon didnt reach and after a minute r two he came back with long grey fur blanket 

"i am not gonna question how did you get this but I am just gonna pretend that it was magic"

"as you wish " he said sitting next to me and giving me the blanket 

we kept our discussion going when I felt a light shake on my arms

"don't fall asleep here Mia"

I brought my head up again " I am not going to fall asleep" I said as I felt my head going down again sensing it landing on a firm space

Davis :

We were still making small talks of everything and anything when I felt her head bump into my shoulder 

"And she says that she was not sleepy"

I took her head in my hands and arranged it, in way that she would not have a neck pain

" you know I really like how it's peaceful here" she said in a whisper 

i assume that she talked in her sleep, everyday I learn more and more about her, making it more difficult for me to keep this so called "professional friendhsip"

I took one side of the blanket  and put it around my left shoulder, covering the both of us and before I could do anything the peaceful darkness of sleep embraced me

My yes were still closed when I felt small drops of water on my forehead

I opened my eyes to see a green leaf of the tree behind me with water on it in front of my eyes 

I came slowly to my senses when I felt a a small weight on my chest turning my gaze to it 

I realized that Mia was on top of me sound asleep, and we were both wrapped in the blanket that I got for the gardeners little house yesterday night 

I took the time to look at the girl that was in my arms sleeping peacefully, while reminding me that this would probably never happen again, the both of us this close with the sunset rising and light touch of the sun on our skins announcing the next day. Her in my arms 

before I did something that I would not regret 

I took her in my arms bridal style, going for her room and posing her on her bed wrapping her blanket around her making sure that she was still sleeping

i let my hand run through her hair before leaving her room shutting quietly her door  as I thought

" I can't let this happen again"

sorry for the late update guys, im going to try to upload more 

don't forget to vote and comments xoxo bye

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