Chap 3 : Hospital Corner

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Davis :

Lying is a nasty way to hide secrets or even just a light part of your life

But when you have to lie it is usually to protect ,to keep something out of the way

And that's what I did

I was lying about not being rich. But listen It looked like she did knew who I was , and that part when she asked me who I was , it was like the gods made me a gift to be reborn

Like I could have someone that actually didn't knew who I was and wasn't influenced by my money or even status

It felt like a new air , it felt refreshing and I hadn't had that feeling since I left my home for college

"Look I'm very sorry for taking your time uhm and your money" she said nervously and looking everywhere but at me

It made me feel bad that thought that

"Don't , don't feel sorry it's really nothing , I saw you on that street and nobody was helping I had to do something so i did " I said looking at her , in some ways my hand found a way to take her hand in mine

She looked down at our hands and took out her hand from mine, leaving a warm print on my palm

"Of course it's something , you wasted your money on somebody you didn't want even know" she looked at me this time and had a sad frown on her face

"It's already been paid so I guess you can be mad at the hospital now not me" I said trying to make her forget whatever caused the sadness to be on her face

Standing up , she now looked up at me with confusion on her face

It is now that I realise how cute she looked . Her braid were in messy bun . She had this smooth dark sunkissed skin that looked flawless with little dark spots that looked like small freckles on her nose brigde . Dark brown eyes that reflected her view like a mirror in front of her . Top brown and bottom pink lips that had a cut on them probably from her accident .
But I still managed to notice the look of sadness seeping through her what seemed to be happy smile.

Fake recognise fake after all

Mia's POV:

For what I know He can be working for my dad he is very muscular and he has this dark thing about him that I can't quite catch for now .

"I will pay you back don't worry" I said interrupting our starring session

"No you don't have -" he said with a sight and a roll of eyes

"No I have to , how much did it cost" I adjusted myself on the bed quickly waiting for his price

"If you want , it costed 300 000 for your operation and the hospitalisation for the day " he said

(I think that my mouth is wide open by now, I surely don't have all that money with me or at all)

I turned my head to the right

"What is it ?" He said looking at me like I was a mad person

"Uhmmm uhh yeah when you found me didn't you saw a black little bag with me or beside me"

" No I don't think so"he said "but we can still search maybe my driver took it"

"Oh my God okay we will find it everything is fine , we will find it" I said quietl , him still looking at me strangely

We searched all my room for the past 20 minutes and still nothing and we even asked the receptionist

"Oh no no no I had all my money my clothes,my identity card,my passport , I can't get a job , I don't have a house i-"
I couldn't take it anymore as I felt those dark little familiar spots taking over my view slowly

Davis POV:

As I went back to the room I saw rosally in the corner of the room shaking her head violently from left to right gripping her head and crying with little tears coming out . She

She was having a panick attack

(She's having a panic attack do something dumbass)

"Hey look at me , look at me" I took her face in my hand

"Look at me inhale 1 2 3 everything is fine
exhale 1 2 3
1 2 3 exhale"

We keep doing it until she was calm

"I'm sorry very sorry"she said as tears kept escaping her eyes

"It's normal to have panic attacks" I took her head placing it on my shoulder gently

My pleasure didn't last 1 minute as she retrieved her head quickly

(Good job prince charming)

"Let's get you in bed" I said as we both stood up me taking her hand to lead her to her bed

"Are you okay"

"Kind of" she said smiling

"You can go , I don't want to keep you here maybe someone is searching you or-"she said turning her head on the other side , she retired her soft hand of mine.

(I can't let her go that easily)

"I don't have a someone so nobody is searching for me don't worry" I said scrashing the back of my neck

It was an actual little lie because ma would be worried by now but I really don't care it's only 10 pm

"I have to go but if you need me just call the doctor he already has my number and informations "

"Ohh don't worry I can handle myself " she said placing her hands on her hips like a small girl would do reminding me my own child  ,making me also chuckle.

And I went out

I BET YOU DIDNT SEE THE BABY PART COMING  it was a quick idea of mine . Thank you for reading this chapter don't forget to comment and vote if you liked it and suggeste me somethings to improve this story 😘

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