Chap 7 : kitchen

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Mia's POV:

I had the best sleep of My life

As I opened my eyes and stretching my arms I looked to my left to see The clock on the wall indicateing 12 am

An old lady opened brutally the door. We looked at each other not knowing what to say for 1 minutes

"Uhhmm don't worry I will head out , I don't know what I'm doing here anyway" I said as I walked up to get out but she blocked my way

"Don't , please you're maybe one friend of Mr lucas " she said placing her hand on one my stomach

"Well I could say that yes"

"Then stay for lunch before going out"

She stood up and walked out the door with my hand in her as she lead me to the kitchen.

I was with her now introducing myself to her and her doing the same she was 67 year olds and still liked quite young for her age I couldn't believe it

I helped her with breakfast, as far as I could with my injuries

And when we were in one big laughter I felt a pain directly in my abdomen where the man had stabbed me

As I clench my stomach, Marina came to me with concerned eyes repartaient to me

"What is it sweetheart, are you okay love "she said gripping my shoulder to support me

"I'm fine just a bruise

"Show me I can help with that" she said reaching for my tee shirt

"No it's really noth-"

"You're exactly like my son show it-"

"What are you two doing" we hear as our head turned simultaneously to the mean in form of us

Davis POV :

"What are you two doing" i repeated myself in my soft tone

"I'm-" i looked at Elia that was clenching her stomach And slowly came to help her

" I saw your friend in her room so I decided to introduce myself and she wanted to help me with lunch " she said while still looking at Eliawho was in deep pain

She looked at my hand around her shoulders and quietly made distance between us

"where is the emergency kit" Ma said looking me in the eyes

"In the cupboard" I helped Elia and placed her on the table in the middle of the kitchen .After searching for it she found it she sat in front of her

"That's why I don't want people to help me, you shouldn't have had that bruise open hurt again " she said while lifting the long grey tee-shirt that she probably picked from the closet and gasped a bit

"How did you do this to yourself honey "
She said looking at Elia with a sad face

"It's really wasn't that deep if you really see it" she said looking herself

(What's wrong with this girl and taking things lightly)

I regained myself

" Davis I finished like one minutes ago but you were zoon out"

I looked down  at my hand that managed to be in her right hand so I took advantage of it

"Come with me" I said dragging her gently with me

I took her to the living room and searched for the thing that I brought back  to give her

We were in the living room in front of the television and she sat across me on the couch

I reached beside me and extended my arm to give her bag back
She looked at me confused

"You remember the day we were at the hospital and you said that you lost your bag" she quickly nodded "after that I decided to go see my chauffeur and he was the one with your bag .."

She seemed so relieved when I said that

"But there was only 100 dollars and your passeport in there"

Her shoulders slumped down and her face was showing a sad frown again

"Uh ok thank you though it's really nice of you to do all of this"

She opened her bag in front of me then she had the reaction I awaited

"Why - you told me"

"Yes I told you that you only had your passeport and 100 dollars but after I made some calls, my friend managed to get back all your papers that you had and even some of the money that got stolen"

She looked at me then back to her purse shaking her head in disbelief

"I - I -I really don't know how you did that but I'm sure the thank you that I'm going to say isn't enough to pay you back all the kindness and just everything"
She still had her mouth open with a stare of awe on her face

Then suddenly her face froze and her smile started slowly disappearing . Her hair was back down facing her bag on her lap

"What is it" I said

" What do you exactly want from me"

I didn't had enough ideas for the chapter but I hope it's good for now . I'm rééditons slowly but surely all the chapter that I did from when I was 12 so it's gonnna take a while but I'm gonna do it
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