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"Hey listen," Michael starts, sitting on the bed next to Liz as she's reading some article on farming. "Cliff and I are set up to go on this retreat thing over the weekend."

"Okay." She mumbles, pressing her thumb over the word she's stopped on. "Morgan not goin'?"

"Nah, he said he wanted to sit this one out or somethin'."

"Great, maybe he and I will hang out, invite Haley."

"Sounds like fun." He smiles, leaning over to kiss her on the side of the head. "We're leavin' Friday afternoon."

Liz sits up and tucks her legs under her. She reaches over and brushes her thumb across his lip. "You be careful." She whispers, her lips barely touching his, teasingly close. He bites then licks his lips, his breath hitches. "I mean it."

He pulls back to grab her with one hand around her throat and one on her hip, pinning her against the bed. His hands relocates to either side of her head, her legs hitched over his hips. She gasps quietly, her eyes locking on his face.

She opens her mouth to say something but Michael swallows her words, his hands moving under the baggy shirt she's wearing. Her eyes flutter closed when he starts kissing her neck in just the right way. She shutters slightly, her fingers twisting through his hair.

"Shit..." She breathes out when his kisses move down her chest to her breasts. She audibly whines when he pulls back. "The fuck are you doin'?" She borderline snaps at him with an incredibly dirty look she sends his way.

"I gotta get goin'." He smirks back, adjusting his clothes.

"No fuckin way." She grabs him by the back of his shirt and yanks him back. It's her turn to get him trapped beneath her. "You started this, you finish this!" He suppresses a laugh at her words, nudging her off of him so he can pull her panties off before he kicks his boxers to the side, their shirts following.


"You be careful." Liz says, giving her fiancé a hug. "Say hi to Cliff for me."

"Will do, baby." Michael leans down to kiss her. "I love you."

"Love you too." She sighs, watching him toss his guitar case and bag into the backseat before he slides into the drivers seat.

"He'll be back Sunday night." Morgan says, squeezing her shoulder in a brotherly way. "Don't you fret, Lizzie."

She rolls her eyes as she shuts the front door. "What's Miss Haley up to tonight?"

"She said she's goin' to Lynchburg." He shrugs, picking at the tab on his pop can. "Somethin' 'bout pickin' up a tractor or tractor part."

"You didn't go with?"

"Nah, she didn't ask so I didn't invite myself." He shrugs again. "Ain't too worried 'bout it. I trust her."

"Good. She's a good one, Morg. Don't fuck it up."

"Yes ma'am." He gives her a playful salute before he sets his empty pop can on the coffee table.

A few hours have gone by and Morgan is still hanging out with Liz. She doesn't mind, she enjoys his company and once he realized she was talking to Michael, his flirting stopped. Now he acts like he's the brother she's never had. It's pretty cute and sweet.

Right On The Money Honey - Michael HardyWhere stories live. Discover now