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Two Years Later


"C'mon, baby." Liz says under her breath, picking her son up out of his car seat. She slings his bag and her purse over his shoulder after she sets him on his little cowboy boot clad feet. He does the little stomping run that turns into a walk as the two start toward the front door of Big Loud, hand in hand.

Liz and Mikey make their way down the hallway. They're here to surprise Michael since he's been working so damn hard on Michael's new album. She pops him on her hip as she opens the door quietly.

The boys, Morgan, Cliff and Michael are sitting in a triangle, brainstorming some new song ideas and they're totally engrossed in their conversation. Mikey lets out a soft squeal when he sees his dad and his Uncle Morgan.

"Mikey!" Morgan grins, picking him up when he comes running to them. "You've gotten so big. Stop growin'!" He bounces him slightly, grinning even more when he starts squealing.

"Okay, okay! Lemme see my son." Michael says, taking him from his best friend. "Hey Bubba." Liz's heart swells at the sight of these hillbillies cooing over this little boy. "What're y'all doin' here?"

Liz grins at the words swirling in her brain. "I just wanted to see my baby daddy. Is that a crime?" She sits on the couch next to Morgan. "Terrible Two's have made their presence known." She yawns, rubbing her eyes. "He's been in a pissy mood all day."

"He seems fine now." Morgan says, giving his unofficial sister-in-law a shoulder squeeze. As soon as he says that, Mikey starts throwing a fit over the fact that Michael won't let him chew on a guitar pick.

Michael gets him to calm down in a few minutes and Liz scoffs under her breath. "Guess we know who is favorite is."

"Aw, c'mon baby." Michael chuckles. "I just haven't seen him that much over the past few days." He adjusts his son on his lap.

"Why don't y'all get goin'." Cliff says, setting his laptop on the table in front of them. "We're pretty much done anyways."

"You sure?" Michael asks.

"Yeah, man. Go be with your family." Cliff smiles at the little family in front of him.

Michael passes their boy back to Liz and she adjusts his little Hail State t-shirt. He picks up the baby bag and his guitar case then walks his wife and son out the door.

"We'll see you at home." Liz says, buckling Mikey up in his seat.

"Okay." He leans over and kisses her. "Hey, what do you think about goin' away for a few days?"

"A few days? Away from my baby boy?"

"It don't gotta be a few days. It can be overnight or two."

"Who- who would look after Mikey?"

"Morgan and Haley? They can stay at our house while we're gone?"


"Really?" She nods. "I'll talk to them when we get home." He leans down and kisses her again. "You drive safe, okay?"

Right On The Money Honey - Michael HardyWhere stories live. Discover now