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Yui was bored.

This wasn't an unnatural occurrence, but since the beginning of her third year at UA, it really began dawning on her how much free time she had compared to everyone else.

There was a very simple reason behind this - what little friends she had were all in relationships.

Itsuka hooked up with Tetsutetsu.

Reiko hooked up with Setsuna.

Hell, even Sen managed to hook up with some girl from the business course. Then again, the boy flew through relationships. She was certain his current girlfriend was his third in the past month.

And by some miracle, all three of them happened to be out on dates right now, meaning she was stuck in her dorm room with nothing to do.

Plenty of her classmates were still here of course. She could head to the common room and there'd be a dozen people to speak to.

Which was where her problems all joined together.

She was terrifically socially inept.

The doctors always said it might've been a psychological disorder as she was growing up, but she knew her own head much better than them. She was perfectly able to talk to people. Her speech might've been limited to a few hums and the occasional short phrase, but speaking wasn't her issue.

It was actual conversations that she had issues with.

If a discussion required more than a few nods and sounds of affirmation, she wasn't suited for it. It was a miracle she had friends in the first place. As much as her friends loved her, Yui could tell that they found her lack of reciprocation in conversations somewhat grating.

She loved them regardless. She felt at peace when she had someone talking directly to her, and her friends were the only people who knew she wasn't intentionally ignoring them because she was silent.

Because of this, Yui felt her room to be insufferably silent. Without Sen nagging her ear off about girl problems, Reiko spewing out her weird Chuunibyou tales or Itsuka ranting about Monoma, she felt extremely empty.

A little fresh air would do the trick, she supposed. Her spot in one of UA's forests had a family of rabbits, so she could always use them as a substitute for her absent friends. They might've lacked the ability to speak Japanese, but the fact that their speech was directed towards her would suffice.

Leaving her room and blissfully ignoring the lingering students as she exited the dorm, she made her way to the forest, eventually locating her signature spot marked by a small X on a tree.

Taking her seat by the foot of the trunk, she waited until a rabbit inevitably showed up.

Naturally, one did.

Except this one was huge. And human. And smiling at her.

"Hey! I didn't think I'd find someone else here."

She knew who he was.

Izuku Midoriya, the golden student of UA and the next All Might.

"Mm." She hummed. She hoped he understood what she intended as a greeting, but she didn't have much faith.

"Mind if I sit? I'm waiting on a few, uhh—friends, you see." The greenette chuckled nervously, rubbing the back of his head.

Could it be possible he was here for the same reason as her?

No, that was preposterous. He was likely the strongest man alive, and from what she saw in joint training exercises, he was especially talkative. The complete opposite of her in that regard.

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