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"—and she had the nerve to say I was sleazy? All I did was ask to split the bill! I ain't made of money, y'know?"

"Mm." Yui hummed noncommittally.

As fascinating as Sen's latest dating fails were, she had other things on her mind.

Namely Izuku Midoriya, and the fact that he hadn't texted her yet.

Granted, it was only a week since he agreed they'd speak again, but she at least expected a follow up message by now.

"Yui, are you even listening to me?"

Ah. So she was caught.

She shook her head in response. "Sorry."

"You got something on your mind?" Sen asked, hopping up from the floor to lie beside her in the bed. "You've been more quiet than usual."

"I met a—" Yui felt her breath hitch, cutting off any words. Realising she likely couldn't finish the sentence, she opted for taking out her phone, waving it infront of Sen's face.

Luckily he got the point and took out his own, allowing Yui to convey her thoughts via text.

Yui K: I met a boy last week.

"Woah, seriously?" He sat up in the bed, looming over her. "What happened? Did you get it on? Did the bastard smash and dash? I'll kick his ass if—"

Yui cut him off with a poke to the ribs, typing her response.

Yui K: Don't be an idiot. We just met, but he said he wanted to talk to me again soon.

"Oh." Sen relaxed, slumping back to lay beside her again. "So, what's the problem?"

Yui K: He hasn't messaged me yet. I'm a bit worried.

"Who's the lucky guy? If he's a hero course student, he might be busy with internships."

Yui K: Izuku Midoriya.

"Wonderboy?" Sen asked with raised eyebrows. "I've got nothing against the guy - hell, he's pretty cool - but he's almost as bad as me when it comes to relationships."

Yui K: I don't care about dating. I just want to meet him again.

She might've been omitting some information regarding the dating part. The jury was still out on that one. She would like to get to know him a bit more though.

"Whatever you say." He drawled out in mock suspicion. "I heard he gets a bit annoying with all that muttering of his."

Yui K: I like it. Can you help me?

"Yeah 'course. Have you texted him yet?"

Yui K: No. Should I do it?

"What? Absolutely not!" He shook his head vehemently. "You do that and you'll look thirsty as hell. Do you wanna look thirsty as hell Yui?"

Yui K: Not really.

"Then follow my lead!" Sen hopped out of bed, dragging Yui up with him by the hand. "We're gonna get that green weirdo to message you no matter what!"

She was beginning to think confiding in Sen was a bad idea.

As it turned out, following Sen around was a terrible idea.

For the past hour she'd been tagging along as he tried to find out Izuku's whereabouts. The worst thing was that they probably would've found him already if Sen didn't stop to give his number to any girl who didn't know of his reputation.

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