I love you

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Yui paced around her living room, and had she been a more vocal person she likely would've been mumbling up a storm. She was thankful she was the only person present, else she would've looked like a lunatic walking aimlessly in her own home.

Though, technically speaking, this wasn't her home. It was more like hers and Izuku's.

The same Izuku who was footing 70% of the rent.

Who was she kidding? This was basically Izuku's house.

It wasn't her fault though. She insisted that they paid equal amounts, but considering he was shooting through the rankings like crazy she didn't have a leg to stand on when he showed off his balance, displaying that he could very comfortably pay the majority of their rent.

That still didn't stop her from sulking the rest of that day.

Yui paused in her pacing, slapping her cheeks to get back on topic. Her real dilemma had very little to do with her living arrangements, so getting sidetracked thinking about them wasn't doing her any favours.

Her main problem was how to confess something that had been laying waste to her mind over the last 18 months since they moved in together.

She already loved him before, but ever since living together, she gained a new found appreciation for all the little things.

His husky, deep voice in the morning when he first woke up.

His very clingy sleeping habits that essentially transformed her into a body pillow under his grip.

His cooking—

Well, the cooking wasn't one of the little things. Without him, she was certain she either would've succumbed to malnutrition or food poisoning as a result of anything she'd try whipping up.

In contrast, Izuku's food was heavenly. He could turn a desolate fridge containing a stick of butter, some eggs and milk into a gourmet dish.

To this day, she still insisted that it had to be another perk of his ridiculously overpowered quirk.

Between all the qualities Izuku possessed, there was no denying that she was head-over-heels in love with the man. Her true problem lay in the fact that she didn't know how to let him know without it seeming tacky.

Ceasing her pacing, she jumped onto the couch and brought her phone out. Clearly she wasn't going to solve this issue alone, so she may as well call on some assistance.

Yui knocked on the door, and within a few seconds it swung open to reveal Sen Uraraka.

She still didn't know why he chose to take Ochako's surname, but it wasn't her marriage so she didn't bother asking when she received the wedding invite a year ago.

"Yui!" The man exclaimed, wrapping her in a hug and spinning her around. "It's been ages - you gotta visit more often."

"I was here last week." She stated simply. "Can you let me go? I'm dizzy."

She was infinitely thankful she overcame her speech habits. With her arms pinned to her sides there was no way in hell she'd have a chance at texting him to release her.

"Oh." Sen blinked, letting her go. "Come in!"

She followed him through the hallway until they arrived at the living room, where she was glomped once again.


Ah shit - here we go again.

Ochako wrapped her arms around Yui, repeating the actions that her husband performed not even a minute prior.

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