1-Pancake On The Ceiling

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Y/N=your name (Not the anime)
W/N=weapon name
H/C=hair color
E/C=eye color

—5:50 am-Monday—

"Hey, Y/N, please wake up" you heard a voice said, you groaned and cover your head with your blanket "Please, I really need you to wake up"

"Why so early, W/N? It's not time for school yet" You said with a sleepy tone, rubbing your eyes and yawn loudly "Well, I...I just want you to have a nice morning b-but I-I-I think the ceiling is eating your pancake"

Your eyes widen as you stared at W/N for a few seconds before you face-palm "Why, W/N? Just why?"

—6:25 am—

It has been more then half an hour since you tried to take the sticky pancake off the ceiling with a broomstick, you have took most of it off but some parts are still stick to the ceiling, you stood on the chair while trying to scrap off the pancake, your partner weapon however, is cheering you from below.

"Ah! So close, Y/N! You almost got it!" W/N cheered, you sighed as look down to W/N "You're not helping, W/N, at least get me a knife or something sharp" W/N jumped when he heard your sleepy-ish angry voice "O-okay! U-uh...how about...this fork!"


—6:47 am—

You finally scraped the last of the pancake from the ceiling off, you sigh as you sit on the chair "Next time, W/N..." you trailed off "do not make pancakes ever again" W/N frowned "Okay..." you stood up and grabbed an apple "Now, what time it is?" taking a bite from your apple you glance at the clock for a second before realizing...



You ran as fast as you could while W/N was far in front you, they waved at you, saying "Come one Y/N! If you don't hurry up we're gonna be late!"

"It's because of you, I'M gonna be late" you shouted, it's true, you were never a fast runner, but your partner was the opposite he was even faster then a horse.

The sight of DWMA became closer as you run faster, until your left shoe decided to give up and the heel broke, making you fall on the ground, your weapon partner however is nowhere to be seen.

——-----Stein's class------——

"Y/N, your late" Professor Stein said as you entered the class holding your shoe with broken heel "You were never late for my class before. What happened?" he asked

You shook your head slightly and gave him a weak smile.

"Pancake on the ceiling"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2021 ⏰

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