Catch up

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" Remus? You mean Lupin? " Ask Sherlock
" Yes "
" Why? "
" We need to go help army TTOB for preparations for battle, it's in less then a month. He is whom I am trusting to be the Guardian of * Enter name here * I've seen him In action from the books and movies, even last year he managed to save a group of 17 from getting blown up "
" Well john, that's because he has magic, besides, we could ask others from the harry potter series to watch over her/him,"
"Brilliant! Sherlock that gave me an idea! I'll get Sirius Black to turn animagus, to protect her/him, during action! "
" John... Never mind, do what you want "

They drove for about 12 mins before they pulled over near a quiet neighbourhood, and upon arrival they see a very normal house in front of them.
John knocks on the door.
A fairly tall man opened the door, he was in a brown suit, a bit loose, and had a tad bit messy hair, he had scars on his face as well as his exposed hands, he looked pale, yet strong.

" Good day John! ", he hesitated, " and Sherlock "
" ah, good day Remus May we come in? "
" Yes please, please. "
" Remus I'm here to talk about your part during the school war, you will be the guardian of our gifted student * enter name * and watch over her we've planned that Sirius will join you, Sherlock and Have to watch over the normal kids he can't let them get hurt."

Remus started," John. I promise I will do all i can to watch her, I believe she is staying with you too with her/his last encounter with the doctors porthole?"

" Yes" 

" You think she can spend the remainder holiday with me and Arthur, so i can get to know her/him better, I believe it will be less awkward." 

" Yeah, I give her a text " Exclaims Sherlock 

* Text sent *

* Replied " Sure, I read about him as a kid, Just remember to give him his wolfs-bane" *

" She said yes" 

" Alright bring her by tomorrow, I'll get a room cleaned up for her and tidy up this place " 

" Thanks Remus " Smiles John

" My pleasure John."

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