Future Meets Past:

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Light enveloped them all and they all felt their bodies compress and then pulled somewhere, light fading and the shocked yelps that entered their ears and snapped them into awareness. Jiang Cheng grunted in shock as he stumbled backwards, arms wrapping around the body that was thrown at him. The male pulled away as harsh coughs racked the body at Jiang Cheng blinked as he realized who it was.

"ShiXiong!!" He exclaimed startled as he saw the body lurch and out of habit, he pulled out some old fabric and held it out, Wei WuXian grabbing it and coughing out small amounts red and some other fluids.

Jiang Cheng patted his back with a sigh and glanced back to see the four juniors all helping one another, and holding their heads, probably dizzy from the transfer. Lan Qiren had his eyes closed, but opened them and was now at Wei WuXian's side. He looked startled and then looked at Jiang Cheng, "Why is he here?"

"Where is here?!" Wei WuXian croaked, before coughing again and Jiang Cheng wordlessly brought him to sit on the floor.

"A-Die!!" Lan SiZhui called alarmed, "A-Die, did you take the medicine the healers made for you?"

Wei Wuxian shook his head, "I just saw that n-note and ran,"

"You ran?!" Everyone exclaimed knowing that the sudden exertion would not do well to the already weak body.

Footsteps rushed towards them and Jiang Cheng looked up, eyes widening. Lan JingYi stepped in front of the family, eyes narrowed, "Who are you? Stay back,"

"I'm a doctor!" The female told him and Jiang Cheng saw Wei WuXian's body still other than the harsh panting.

"JingYi," He said, "You can trust her,"

Lan JingYi frowned, but stepped back.

Jiang Cheng bowed his head and the female in red sun robes bent down, "Young Mast-"

Wei WuXian looked up, eyes widening in horror, "Q-qing Jie?"

Wen Qing paused, confused and surprised. Jiang Cheng gulped, "L-Lady Wen, please, is my shixiong alright?"

Wen Qing blinked and placed two fingers against Wei WuXian's chest. She then took his pulse and frowned. She stared at Wei WuXian and then at the robes. Reaching out, she tugged and gasped at how loose they were. Lan Qiren nodded, "Lady Wen, he's thin, we know. He's also weak, right now,"

Wen Qing nodded, shuffling and taking out a small jar. She poured out a small pill and held it out. Jiang Cheng took it, "ShiXiong, eat it,"

Wei WuXian just opened his mouth, still staring at Wen Qing with unhidden horror. He swallowed the pill, coughing a bit. He then finally seemed to gather himself and repeated, "Qing Jie...how..."

"Do I know you?" Wen Qing frowned confused.

Wei WuXian blinked and then he stood up, Jiang Cheng supporting him. He then turned to Jiang Cheng and his voice wavered, "What...have you done?"


"How is Wen Qing here?!" Wei WuXian demanded.

"Wen...Qing?" Lan SiZhui repeated and he looked at Wen Qing with surprise.

"Daijiu, calm down," Jin Ling rushed, "You weren't supposed to teleport with us!"

"Teleport?!" Wei WuXian repeated and he glared at his brother, "Jiang Cheng! Explain to me what the fuck is going on?!"

"Jiang Cheng?!" Voice chorused, shocked and Wei WuXian's face turned slack.

The group from the future all turned to see a bunch of people staring at them. Three Lans, Two Wens, Five Jiangs, Two Nies, and Two Jins. Lan Qiren swallowed, "Well, at least we know it worked,"

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