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This chapter took a long time. Mostly because i was just stuck on what song to use and how to write the aftermath of the last chapter. There's a little ooc, but im not too bothered by it since this IS a FANfiction and an AU where YZY kills CSSR. 

I've also been really tired and busy. My life is beginning to get kind of serious, so writing is not a primary thing :(

Anyway! Let's start!


Jiang Wanyin had known that when he had decided to come back and show the people of the past their future, he would have to face his parents. More so, he would have to fix his parents. Hopefully make them understand their faults, lock them in a room so they can fix things. He knew that damage would already be done, but he believed he could prevent anything worse. He wasn't who his past self was. He was confident in himself. He had found himself.

He had learned that he didn't need their approval, he just needed to be himself and do what he believed was right. To be who he was and protect those he loved to the best of his abilities. He didn't have to be the strongest. He didn't need to be perfect. He was a Jiang, and a Jiang could do the impossible. A Jiang was a ranger. A Jiang was who they wanted themselves to be.

He could face them, he could. He could stop their fights if they started one. He would defend his siblings. He would defend himself. They needed to realize that all the problems were their fault. He had wanted to teach his mother that her grudge was pointless. That yelling at the three children who were supposed to be hers to nourish and protect would fix nothing. He had wanted to help her realize that his brother's parents were already long gone.

But of course, his mother knew that. Had always known that as it was her who had killed CangSe Sanren. It was her who had seen the bodies. And Jiang WanYin could say with a strong credibility that it was most likely her who buried them. Who preserved the swords, the items, the pendent. It was Yu ZiYuan who had caused Wei WuXian to ever be brought into the YumengJiang Sect. It was Yu ZiYuan who had always brought up Wei WuXian being CangSe Sanren's blood, yet never Wei ChangZe's. It was Yu ZiYuan who was close enough to CangSe Sanren to be referred to as a sister. A Meimei.

And yet, it was Yu ZiYuan who had been hurting his brother for their entire childhood.

He stares at the two doors of the Swords Hall, the silence of the room just settling. No one knew exactly what to say, no one knew how to break it. How to address the events that had just transpired. Jiang Wanyin blinked softly, glancing over to where Jiang Cheng and Jiang Yanli stood, gazing at the door with complicated expressions of pain and even some guilt. wasn't their fault either.

Jiang Wanyin turned slowly, turned to fix his eyes on Yu ZiYuan and Jiang Fengmian, both who had yet to move from where they sat. He stared down at them, expression clouded over, yet guarded. Yu ZiYuan was staring down at her lap, fingers clenching her robes with white knuckles. There was a faint tremble in her figure and Jiang Wanyin had spotted the shame and guilt when it had been revealed. The secret his mother had so cruelly kept away. Kept away so deep that she had convinced herself to hate the woman she had murdered, that she had convinced herself to be cruel to the child she orphaned in place of facing what she had caused. Of the blood on her hands.

Jiang Wanyin shifted to his father. Jiang Fengmian looked as pale as a ghost, his carefully neutral expression shattered. Jiang Wanyin could only phantom the thoughts running in his head.

His father loved Wei WuXian, he knew it. He knew his father cared. But he also knew that his father had turned blind eye to many things, choosing his mask of silence in fear of escalating a situation. He always sought to shy from conflicts. And yet...and yet, now he had learned a great deal of things. That his sworn brother, his best friend, was his half-brother, that the ward and martial nephew he had taken in was just as granted a place in the line of succession as any member of a branch family. No, even more so. Wei WuXian's father was a child of the sect leader just like Jiang Fengmian, meaning Wei Ying was a member of the inner clan, heir following Jiang Cheng himself.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2022 ⏰

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