Chapter 9: The Mudblood & The Death Eater

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A/N: My Only Hint Is That They're Is Quite A Bit Of Drama In This Chapter!
Draco P.O.V
"Okay Bye Guys!" Granger says closing the door. With that, she sighs and plops onto the couch. "So, what was that between you and Weasel?" I ask. "What?" She asks, clearly confused. "I swear, he was sitting way to close to you." I say.

"Wait... Are you jealous?!" She laughs. "What? No! Why would a be jealous of a filthy mudblood like yourself!?" I say quickly. I could see the hurt look in her eyes. Then, before I knew it. She gets up "DEATH EATER!" She screams. I get up too. "You bitch! You know I was forced." I scream back.

Before I knew what was happening, she psuhed me down just in time to get hit by a spell. "Sictario" someone screams. I turn around to see a death eater behind me. I quickly shoot a spell at him which knocks him out cold. 2 Aurors appart and quickly take the death eater to the Ministry without question.

That's when I realize that Granger wasn't calling me the death eater. Even after I called her a bitch and a filthy mudblood, she saved me. I look down and see a wound on her hip. I quickly bend down and put her head in my lap. "I am so sorry..." I whisper. "Don't apologize to a filthy mudblood." She whispers.

She gives me a sad smile, a tear drops from her eye and her eyes flutter shut. I quickly appart her to St. Mungos and Healers come rushing and take her from me. There is only one this I feel right now. Guilt.

10 Minutes Later...

I'm sitting in front of Grangers hospital room with my head in my hands. 'Your An Idiot' Is all I can think about right now.

"MALFOY!" Someone screams. I look up to see an extremely angry Weasel coming towards me. He grabs my collar and pins my to the wall. "RON!" I hear someone scream. I look to see Weaselette coming towards me with Pansy, Blaise, Theo and Potter right behind her.

Weasel doesn't move at all. "RONALD BILLIUS WEASLEY! IM WARNING YOU!" Weaselette screams pointing her wand at him. Weasley quickly cowers away. 'I think now, I have a lot of respect for her' I think with a smirk. "Mal- Er... Draco, where is she?" Wea- Ginny asks in a soft voice. I point at the door in front of us. Potter nods, and the 3 Gryffindors walk in.

"We heard what happened..." Blaise says. "How?" I quickly ask. "When Hermione saw the death eaters, she was smart enough to quickly record what was happening. So we saw the death eater come and everything." Pansy explains. "Oh" Is all I say. Theo pats me on the back.

"I think it's best you give her some space Malfoy, we know her and she is almost as stubborn as you!" Ginny says as she comes out of the room trying to lighten up the mood. "Is she awake?" I ask. "Yeah, the doctors just need to run some test and then she's allowed to leave." Potter says. "Okay, you guys should go home, I should take me girlfriend home." I say.

They all got the hint and leave. "Just be careful Malfoy, she's still limping." Weasley says. I just nod.
A/N: Sorry It Took Long!

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