Chapter 21: News, News & More News!

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A/N: Let's Get Straight Into It!

A/N: Let's Get Straight Into It!-Ellaxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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Narrator P

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Narrator P.O.V
"Come on Granger! Hurry up in the bathroom!" Draco says. "Back to last names are we Malfoy?" Hermione says laughing. "Women." he mutters. "I heard that!" She says from the other side of the door.

When Hermione comes out, Dracos jaw drops. "Close your mouth love, your going to catch flies." She jokes as she grabs her purse. "You look stunning." He mutters, wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her close to him. "And you look quite handsome yourself." She says as she fixes his tie. He smiles at her. 'I can already imagine a future with her' he sighs happily.

"Come on love, let's go." She says grinning excitedly. Draco raise an eyebrow. "Nevermind." She mutters as she puts a hand on her stomach. Thankfully Draco didn't see that action. With that, they aparted to Zabini Manor.
Draco P.O.V
After dinner, all the couples were just hanging out, enjoying each other's company. Hermione was sitting in my lap, resting her head on my chest while tracing circle on my arm. I take a deep breath. 'Here goes nothing.' "Love, why don't we go for a walk in the garden?" I whisper in her ear. "Sure. Let's go." She says getting up.

As we walk into the garden, Hermione gasps at the site.

"What's all this Draco?!" She asks, not taking her eyes off the garden

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"What's all this Draco?!" She asks, not taking her eyes off the garden. Instead of replying, I take her hand and lead her into the middle.

"Hermione... When I was told that my partner was you, and what our mission was... I was livid. I was ready to quit the job really." I chuckle as Hermione rolls her eyes. "But your right, I was jealous of Ron that day when they came over. And when you saved me after I called you such rude names, I fell in love with your everything. With your beauty, with your kindness, with your intelligence, with your confidence, with your laugh, with your smile. I fell in love with you. So... Will you give me the honour of calling you 'mine' and marry me?" I ask as I bend down on one knee and open a black box.

 Will you give me the honour of calling you 'mine' and marry me?" I ask as I bend down on one knee and open a black box

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Hermione covers her mouth with her hand as tears threaten to spill. "Yes, yes, yes! A hundred times yes!" She cried. I smile and slip the ring onto her finger. I wipe her tears with my thumb and kiss her. She kisses back straight away. She pulls away with a wide grin.

"Draco..." She says smiling. "Yes Mrs. Malfoy?" I ask innocently. She laughs. "Now I have a surprise for you!" She says grinning. I raise an eyebrow. "In eight months... we're going to have a beautiful baby boy and girl!" She says excitedly. "I'm gonna be a father?!" My eyes widen. She nods eagerly.

I pick her up and spin her around. We both start to laugh. I pull her into a hug. "I love you Draco Lucius Malfoy." Hermione says. "I love you too Hermione Draco Malfoy." I say winking. "Hermione Draco Malfoy Eh? I have to admit, it has a nice ring to it." She says amused. I laugh and twirl her around. Life couldn't get any better.
A/N: Amazing Chapter Eh? Okay, Now For The Epilogue....

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