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Rhianna's POV:

Beep....Beep...Beep...."Quickly! Get the doctor!" "Patient's heart rate is going down rapidly!" "We're losing her!", The sound of doctors and nurses frantically running around the room fills my ears as my vision slowly starts to blur. Beep...Beep...Beep..."Raina, please hang on!" "Don't leave us!" "Big sis, please stay awake!", The pleading cries of my parents and sister gradually fade into the distance as I slip into darkness.

...Suddenly, a bright, white light starts to surround me from all around. I instinctually raise my arms to my face to shield my eyes from the blinding light. Then the light begins to dissipate and my vision finally clears allowing me to see that I was no longer in the hospital room. 'Huh? Where am I? Is this the afterlife?', I thought taking in my new surroundings. "Ah~ Isn't she just beautiful darling~?" "Indeed~ She looks just like her mother!", Huh? I looked up to see a beautiful woman with long, golden blonde hair and vivid, green eyes that reminded me of sparkling emerald. Her lovely hair was tousled and messy as if she had just gotten out of bed and her skin was creamy and drained as if she had just went through something energy draining. "She may look like me, but she has your hair and eyes~!", The woman exclaims looking down at me with a joyful smile. I stare at the woman confused, when out of the corner of my eye I see a mirror directly across from me. When I look into the mirror, I saw the reflection of the woman holding a baby...wait, is that me!?

I stare at my reflection trying to process what I was seeing. "You should rest love. I'll take Rhianna for now.", Rhianna? "Alright, dear.", The woman carefully lifts and hands me over to a man with short, chestnut brown hair and yellow eyes that were the shade of molten gold. I looked back at the woman to see her waving goodbye to me as the man takes me out the room closing the door behind him.

It doesn't take me long to realize I had been reincarnated and to come to terms with my new reality, though I do still miss my original parents as well as my little sister, whom I was very close with. It did take me a while to get used to being called a different name, but luckily, my new name isn't too different from my old one. I learned that my new parents names were Lucy and James Cole, a peasant couple living in the village of Saffron in the countryside. I also came to learn that I was born into a fantasy world with monsters, magic and dungeons. Unfortunately, me being born as a commoner means I have little to no magic ability as only nobility has the capability to wield magic and i'm more likely to die getting eaten by monsters if I even attempt to enter a dungeon. Sucks, but hey what can you do? Besides, i'm happy just being able go outside after spending most of my life in a hospital bed! I love spending time with my parents, whether it was sewing with my mom or helping my dad in his shop. I loved it!

...If only it could have stayed that way...

When I was six years old, my mom gave birth to my little brother, John. He had the same chestnut brown hair like me and dad just in a slightly lighter shade with mom's vivid emerald green eyes. It should have been one of the happiest moment for all of us, but it sadly did not last as less than a month later my mother had died. My father and I were left devastated and with a newborn to take care of all by ourselves. The only thing left from my mom was her necklace, an oval shaped emerald set in white gold with round diamond accents on a sliver chain, it was the last thing she gave me before passing on.

After that day, dad...changed. He became closed off and emotionally distant almost never leaving the house and on the rare occasion he did go out it was to the local pub to drink his sorrows away, before coming home to cry himself to sleep. I felt bad for him, so I didn't complain when I found myself doing most if not all of the chores around the house as well as managing the shop. You can imagine the shock and concern on the customers's faces when they see a six year old girl running everything, but I tried to not let it get to me. I mean he did just lose the love of his life and is probably still trying to come to terms with her death "I'm sure, this will pass and we all be a family again!", Sadly, I was wrong.

About two mouths later, dad came home with a woman saying she would be John and I's new mother and hope we can get along. I was floored! I did expect dad to start dating again at some point, but not this soon! I decided to just grit my teeth and bare with it, 'Calm down, Rhia. It's probably common for widowed spouses to find another spouse not long after losing their previous spouse in this world! Yeah! Maybe, this is a good thing. Dad's happy and there's another person to help around here! Beside, i'm sure she's an amazing woman if dad likes her!', ....Once again the universe proves me wrong.

The woman, Marthe is someone I can only describe as a selfish, narcissistic gold-digger, who only interest seems to be leeching off of others to fund her expensive lifestyle and to make matters worse, she already had two kids of her own both just as awful and entitled as their horrid mother.

I spent the next five years being their personal maid as well as my little brother's caretaker, since my dad seems to have completely forgotten about him or just wanted nothing to due with him as his first wife died after giving birth to him. I understand my dad's pain from losing mom, but that mean he gets to neglect his son like this or blame him for her death! I hate the situation i'm in, but I refuse to just give up and wallow in depression! John depends on me and if that means putting up with this bullshit, until i'm an adult and afford to live on my own then so be it!

However, I didn't expect my life to take a drastic turn, when I was suddenly approached by a noblemen. "Rhianna, I would like you and your brother to come live with me.", Huh!? Why does this rich guy want me to live with him!?

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