Chapter 2 - The Fateful Encounter.

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Rhianna's POV:

After a very tense breakfast, I quickly left the house to get started on my day of making deliveries. I used to spend my days helping out my dad in his shop, but since the witch and her hellspawns's arrival, we've become distant. I love my dad, don't get me wrong! I'm just tired of vying for his attention. Ever since he got re-married to Marthe, it's like she's the only thing on his mind and everything else is just an afterthought. It's even obvious he doesn't really like Violet or Alexi, not that anyone can really blame him, but he doesn't do anything to stop them! Every time I tried to confront my dad on any issue with them, he'd just tell me, "It's best to just let them be." or "Your just overthinking it. I'm sure they don't really mean it." or "You need to be the bigger person. Don't go looking for a fight." or the most annoying "That's just how they are.", It's so infuriating!

I even tried to ask Marthe to do something about Violet and Alexi, but she just got annoyed and told me to stop being a brat. Honestly, I shouldn't have been surprised, Marthe sees her children as perfect little angels that can do no wrong and basically let's them do whatever the hell they want! This has caused many of the other adults in the village to complain, but ever time someone tries to have an adult conversation with Marthe, she just yells at them to mind their on business and don't question her parenting skills.

'I should stop thinking about them less I give myself a headache...', I thought to myself as a familiar shop came into view. I made way to the front of the shop reaching up and grabbing the doorknob and pulling it open. "Good morning, Miss Lily!" "Well, a Good morning to you too, Rhia! How are you this fine day!" "Er, as fine as I can be...", Lily gave me a sympathetic smile. 

Miss Lily is a short, young woman, who looks to be in her early to mid twenties with long, rose pink hair tied in a high ponytail with bangs that cover her forehead, round sky blue eyes, a small button nose, and a porcelain skin tone. She usually wore a knee length, white, off the shoulders dress with a floral print at the bottom with pale pink flats. Miss Lily is the owner of the local flower shop and is also known for her friendly and cheerful personality. 

"I'm not really busy today, so you can just water the water the flowers." "Ok.", Miss Lily is one of the few shop owners I help out for money. Thanks to Marthe's spending habits, the money dad makes from his shop isn't enough to support all of us, so i've taken up a few jobs to help out. I usually just help with organizing flower bouquets for customers and then delivering the bouquets to their respective buyer. However, if the shop isn't particularly busy then i'll usually just take care of the plants. "Oh Rhia, can you do me a small favor?" "Sure, what is it?" "I think I left the bread my husband gave me behind as I was heading out. Do you think you could stop by and get it for me?" "Of course!" "Thank you!", I put the watering pail I was holding down and walk the door.

Miss Lily's husband, Sir Henry was a tall, lanky man in his mid-twenties with short, brown hair that stopped at his neck, almond shade grass green eyes and a warm ivory skin tone. He usually wore a plain white button up shirt, dark brown pants, and a tan apron that always seemed to have some kind of stain on it. Sir Henry is the village baker and much like Lily is a friendly man. 

 "Excuse me? Hello? Sir Henry?", I call out to the man as I walk into the bakery. I looked around for the baker, until I finally saw him coming out from the back room with a tray full of freshly made bread. "Ah, Rhianna! Hello there!", Henry greets finally noticing me. "What can I do for you?", he asks setting the tray down on a counter. "Miss Lily asked me to see if she left the bread you made for her." "Hahaha! I wondered when she world realize it was missing. Hold on a minute, let me get it." "Ok.", Sir Henry disappeared into the back room once again only to return a few moments later with a pink bag in hand. "Honestly, she can be so forgetful sometimes, but I guess that's why she has me.", I giggle slightly as he hands me the pink bag. "I made sure to keep it warm for her. If you like you can have the left over sugar bread I made the other day that didn't get sold." "Really!? Thanks!" "It's no trouble.", Henry smiled and placed the left over sugar bread in a separate brown bag, before handing it to me. "Be safe out there!" "I will!", with that I left munching on the sugar bread as I walked.

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