Chapter 1 - Just Another Day In The Cole House.

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Author's POV:

The sun rises over the horizon pouring light into every dark nook and cranny as the world seemed to come awake. The sound of Birds chirping filled the air as villagers begin bustling about going on with their daily lives.

Among the many small homes that exist in this peaceful village lay a young girl no older than eleven years old sleeping soundly in her bed- CRASH! Uh...nevermind.

Rhianna's POV:

I was startled awake by a sudden crash coming from downstairs "GIVE IT BACK!" "I HAD IT FIRST!", I groan loudly upon realizing it was just those two idiots causing trouble like always. "Can't they go one day without fighting...", I say to myself with clear annoyance. I then felt something heavy shift beside, I look down to see my little brother John curled up next to me still asleep. "John. It's time to get up." I softy whisper gently shaking his small body. "Mhmm, It's too early...", John whines pulling the sheets over his head. "I know, but we need to wash up and get dressed, so I can make breakfast less the wicked witch downstairs get antsy!", I explain in a playful tone causing John to giggle from under the covers.

I swear if it weren't for John I would have gone insane living in this house, it can really grate on my nerves sometimes. "Alright, let's get you cleaned up!", In one fluid motion I threw off the covers and lifted John up off the bed and into my arms. "Oof, You're getting heavy.", John laughed holding onto me tightly as I carried him to the bathroom.

It didn't take long, but as I was helping John put on his shirt, I heard another loud crash from downstairs. "Alright, let's go see what those two idiots are doing now.", I sigh grabbing onto John's hand as I lead him down the stairs. As soon as we were about to take the last step, I swiftly put my arm out stopping  John from taking another step as a potted plant came flying across the room narrowly avoiding us and smashing into the wall. "YOU STUPID DOG BOY!! I WISH YOU WOULD JUST DROP DEAD ALREADY!!" "YOU UGLY PIG FACED GIRL!! WHAT MAN GONNA WANT YOU AS THEIR WIFE!!??", Wow they're really going at each other today. 'I get that siblings tend to fight at lot, but this is on a whole another level...', I thought as I stare at the two bickering siblings. They are John and I's step-siblings, Alexi and Violet. They moved in along with their mother, our step-mother, Marthe when she married our father and it has been down hill since then. Violet and Alexi are about a year apart with Violet being the older one. Violet, much like her mother, is very entitled and narcissistic. She believes no girl is as pretty and perfect as her and actively puts down and picks on any girl that thinks otherwise, resulting in most of the girls in the village to avoid her. Violet also has a really mad temper and is often violent towards others, especially to girl are even slightly deemed prettier than her. When I first meet Violet the first thing she said to me was and I quote, "You've got such an ugly face! You'll never find a rich husband with that hideous face! Hahaha!", Not even a hello just calling me ugly and laughing in my face. However, i've learned to just tune out her insults and really anything she says for the sake of my own mental health, of course that doesn't mean I don't want to smack her into next week sometimes.

Alexi is arguably the more tolerable of the two, but that's honestly not saying much. Alexi is, in modern terms, an "Alpha Male" type. Always trying show what a man he is and needlessly competitive. He's constantly trying to pick fights with the other local boys, taunting them by calling them "Weak little girls" or "Scared little pussies", it works for the easily provoked ones, but most of them choose to stay away from Alexi. However, Alexi at his core is a sniffling coward. When I say he likes to pick fights with the other boys, I mean he likes to pick on the ones that are clearly younger and weaker than him. If one of the older boys were to step in and threaten Alexi, he'd start crying and run off to tell on them. I learned that when Alexi tried to hit John and I retaliated by punching him square in the face. I didn't break his face or anything, but he did have a bleeding nose. However, if there's one thing about Alexi that I just can't stand, it's his blatant sexism! I get it's the time period and all, but he's taken it to the point even the other boys thinks it's creepy. When he isn't bullying the other boys, he's harassing the girls! More than once he's tried to lift the skirts of some poor girls that are just minding their own business. Unfortunately, this included me as well. On a number of occasion, Alexi has tried to peek on me changing and by the third time resulted in him getting a black eye. He also thinks i'm his personal maid and tries to order me around like he actually has some kind of control over me. Though the look on his face, when I tell him to do it himself is amusing.

"Can you two please shut up!", I yell finally getting their attention. "It's way too early for you guys to be this loud!", They both looked at me annoyed as I stepped off the stair and walked towards them. "It's none of your business, brat!" "Yeah, buzz off!", I roll my eyes and walked pass them to the kitchen with John following close behind. "It's about time! Get off your lazy butt and start breakfast already!", I couldn't help, but click my tongue while glaring harshly at the woman before me.

Marthe, a tall woman with pale skin, long navy blue hair tied in a messy bun and tired light blue eyes. She looked to be in her late thirties to early forties with a resting bitch face that would make Karens all over the world proud. "if it bothers you so much, how about getting up and cooking your own breakfast instead of sitting there and complaining.", Marthe scowls at me as she so often does whenever I do or say something she doesn't like. "You ill-mannered girl! Is this how you act towards your elder!?" "To my elders? No. To you? Absolutely.", Marthe's face turn bright red with anger as I simply smirk at her. "Hmph, with that attitude you'll die alone for sure.", I turn around to see Violet and Alexi standing in the door way. "Violet is right! A woman must be obedient and respectful as well as know how to clean and cook, if she wishes to find a good husband!" "Yet nether you nor Violet can do either." "That's because unlike you, I don't need to do all that peasant work! All I need to do is catch the eye of a wealthy noblemen and he'll make me his wife! Then i'll spend the rest of my life in luxury!", You're delusional if you think a noble will make you their wife.

Violet isn't bad in terms of physical appearance. She's a bit plain looking, but her long blonde hair is a sought after trait in this world from what i've heard and many people find traits like dark eyes, freckles and big noses attractive, but her awful personality completely overrides any and all good aspects she might have! Alexi is in the same boat. He could probably pull of the tall, dark and handsome look with his short, black hair and sharp, dark eyes, but his creepy and competitive nature completely ruins that.

"Honestly Rhianna, you ought to act more like Violet! Maybe then you'll learn some respect!" "Somehow I doubt that.", Before Marthe could get another word in, she was interrupted by John. "Sis, i'm hungry! Can we eat breakfast now?", John whines tugging on my sleeve with a needy pout on his face. "Oh right, sorry! I'll get started now. Just wait a bit, ok?" "Ok...", I gave John a small smile patting his head lovingly, before making my way to the sink ignoring the self-satisfied smirk on Marthe's lips. "It's going to be a long day..."

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