Day 1 - Dreams/Childhood

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A/N : I'm a bit late cause I deadass forgot but here. Tw for childhood neglect, a nightmare and a slight panic attack

Neither Min nor Ryan had a particularly great childhood.

Min's parents weren't outright abusive or anything, but they put a lot of pressure on him to be the perfect student, and it made him stressed out. It left him afraid to do more chaotic or improper things like performing on a mini synth in a band called "Chicken Choice Judy"

Ryan's parents were outright neglectful, and instead always paid attention to his siblings. He was just the forgotten child and had to look after himself most of the time. It left him with permanent issues, but he supposed that was just the norm for parenting standards in the 80s.

The two always had each other, or at least they did before Min ran off.

They drifted apart after that. Ryan went through countless failed relationships with a number of different women. He liked all of them, but he wasn't in a good headspace to be a good boyfriend, not to mention that a lot of the girls he had dated were toxic.

Min didn't date anyone, instead just focusing on his college applications and his job. A small part of both of them always wanted to reach out. To just give a call and hear the other's voice. But, they didn't...

Well, that was until Ryan showed up to the diner on that one fateful night and the two got stuck on the infinity train.

It was an... Interesting experience, to say the least. They didn't dare tell anyone about it, knowing they'd sound absolutely batshit insane. They instead only opened up about it to each other and through their music. After all, a "train to nowhere" could mean many things, and it wouldn't make them sound crazy.

One night, Ryan was having a dream where he was back on the train.

This wasn't an uncommon occurrence, but in this dream, he was alone. Neither Kez nor Min were with him this time around. He wandered through train car after train car until he eventually reached a particularly unnerving one. It was an empty room, but there was a couch in the middle. Seated on the couch was...

His parents.

He felt anger and sadness begin to mix in the pit of his stomach. They never cared about him, or at least didn't show it, so he was understandably upset. He had moved out years ago for greener pastures. I shouldn't have to see them again he thought, growing more angry and upset by the second.

His parents didn't react to his growing anger, because of course they didn't. Reacting would mean acknowledging his existence, and they weren't really the type to do that.

He fell to the ground and began sobbing as memories of constant neglect ran through his head. Why would the train show him this? Was this some kind of shitty way of trying to help him? He didn't want this.

He suddenly jolted awake, and Min was holding him close, just whispering small comforts as the boy shook and cried. "It's okay" Min said gently. "Just breathe, Ryan. You're okay"

After a few minutes, Ryan began to calm down.

"You wanna talk about it?" Min asked quietly, giving his boyfriend a small kiss on the forehead. "Not really" Ryan replied, his voice low and exhausted. "Okay" Min responded. He knew better than to press Ryan for information when he was already in a vulnerable state. "I love you" he said quietly to the shaking boy.

"I love you too, Min"

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