Day 3 - Colors/Alternate Ending

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A/N : Major character death go brr. I am so sorry. Also this one is just a short drabble so don't get too invested.

Ryan and Min never got off the train.

Ryan had completely mentally shut down after learning the truth about how long Jeremy was on the train, and Min's attempts to cheer him up didn't work. It was like all the color had left the world, and all he could think about was how it was his own fault they had ended up there.

The two of them aged in that house. Morgan had learned to accept their presence. Kez had stopped talking to them except for when it was strictly necessary. Min made sure to keep his friend company, which Ryan quietly appreciated.

They never got off the train, and the two of them eventually passed away of old age. Morgan mourned their loss but they were eventually forgotten. Min's parents never saw their son again and Ryan's hardly noticed.

The world didn't change, nor did their communities, and they never admitted their true feelings for one another. The only person who was heavily affected was Kez, as she had cared about both of them deeply and never got to make amends.

Still, the world kept spinning.

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