Day 2 - First Time/Love Song

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A/N : This is practically just asking for a songfic, so the song used in this is Sweet Tooth by Cavetown.

It had been two weeks since Ryan and Min got off the train.

They had begun their road trip pretty much immediately after. Min had quit his job, said farewell to his parents, packed his things, and the two were off, finding small gigs at different bars and open mic nights. Their money was made primarily through tips, but they were getting by well enough. Besides, they had each other now.

Ryan had been contemplating how to tell the other how he felt. Unlike most people in this situation, he wasn't too worried about this potentially ruining their friendship. If they had been able to get through the Infinity Train without killing each other, then there's no way their friendship would be ruined by a little crush, right?

Besides, it's not like Ryan was exactly in the closet. He had offhandedly mentioned a few times that he liked both girls and boys, and Min hadn't been thrown off by that, even subtly hinting that he might be gay himself. Ryan wasn't worried about the rejection, but more worried about how to tell say it.

Eventually, he came up with the best idea he could. A song.

So, after secretly working on it for a few days, he felt ready to perform it for the other boy. "Min, come back here, I wrote a song for you" he said bluntly. Min seemed surprised, but quietly went into the back of the van and sat across from the other boy. "For me?" he asked, a bit confused. "Just listen" Ryan replied with a smirk as he began playing his guitar.

"Feeling sick of myself" he started in a lower octave than Min had heard him sing before. Typically, Ryan kept his singing to the middle and top parts of his range. Not really the lower parts, so it was a pleasant surprise to hear him tapping into that. "Think I'll try to be someone else" he continued "Can't be hard to paint a person. In my head, create a version. The parallel"

Min had no idea where this was going. Ryan had written self-deprecating lyrics before, but he said that this song was for him, so he had no clue what to think. "Where is this going, Ryan?" he asked, still visibly confused. Ryan didn't answer the question, though. Instead just shooting him a small smile before continuing.

"Pull my head out the sand. Try as hard as I can" Ryan continued. Min was still a bit confused but decided to just let the boy play the song. Surely, this had to have a point. "Guess I must be satisfactory. You said you love me exactly the way I am"

Min had actually forgotten about that. It was something he had said when they were little. Ryan was feeling a bit bad about himself because his parents had been ignoring him again. He had felt as though he must be doing something wrong. His parents wouldn't be ignoring him constantly if it weren't for something he had done wrong, right? "Well, I love you exactly the way you are" Min had said, neither questioning what he meant by "love"

"And you know I find it hard to understand" Ryan continued, suddenly avoiding eye contact. He almost looked a bit nervous in a way Min hadn't ever seen before.

"Pay a visit to the doctor cause I have" he sang before suddenly shifting into the chorus and changing up his strumming a bit. "A sweet tooth for you" Min suddenly had an idea of what this song was about and felt his face heat up a bit. Ryan was still just looking at his guitar, afraid of seeing the reaction on the other boy's face. "I'm wide awake" he continued "The sugar went straight to my brain"

"Feel like a kid, I double tap my chest with my fist" he sang before abruptly slowing down the song a bit, and finally chancing eye contact with the other boy, going a bit red himself when he saw the boy's face. "I like you" he sang with a nervous smile "Say it back"

At that moment, Min made a sudden decision to do something he had never done before. His parents had even worried once or twice that maybe something was wrong with him. He never brought any girls home or even hinted that he might have a girlfriend. The truth of it was that he was gay and the man he had grown so attached to was gone. But, now he was right here in front of him, openly saying I like you, Min.

So, Min leaned forward and kissed him.

At that moment, Ryan felt all the anxiety that had been growing through the performance melt away. His feelings were out there now and Min actually felt the same way. Deep down, a part of him had always wanted this, but he never thought it'd be possible, especially considering their rocky history. But, here he was, kissing Min. Speaking of which, Min soon pulled back with a loving smile.

"I like you too, Ryan"

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