Day 4 - Off The Train/Realization

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Ryan and Min-Gi had been off the train and on the road doing gigs for roughly a month when Min started to realize something... He liked Ryan as more than a friend.

This thought was terrifying to him. Not only was Ryan a guy (guys couldn't like other guys, right?), but Ryan was also his best friend since forever. If he said anything, that could risk completely fucking up their friendship. Besides, it's not like Ryan would also like him, right? Sure, Ryan mentioned offhandedly a few times that he's not against the idea of being in a relationship with a guy, but what if that was just him saying that he doesn't hate gay people?

This ate away at him for a full week before he finally decided to say something.

"Hey, Ryan?" he said a bit nervously one night while the other was driving. "Yeah?" Ryan asked, seemingly not picking up on the other man's nervous energy. Min took a deep breath. It was just gonna be like ripping off a bandaid. And maybe what was festering under the bandaid would be unpleasant but he'll never know if he doesn't try so-

"I think I like you" he blurted out. Ryan didn't respond for a moment. "I mean, I like you too" Ryan replied, a bit confused. "No, I..." Min trailed off, taking another deep breath. "I like you as... As more than a friend, Ryan" he admitted, feeling a wave of shame wash over him. This wasn't okay. Nothing about what he was doing was okay. This wasn't allowed.

"Yeah?" Ryan asked for confirmation, something weirdly hopeful in his voice. "Yeah" Min replied, looking out the window to avoid eye contact. "Weird, I know" he added. Surely if he called himself out on the fact that it was fucked up, he could escape the pain of Ryan's judgment. Or maybe Ryan would pull over, make Min pack his shit, and then kick him out. Maybe that's what I would deserve...

"I don't think it's weird" Ryan finally said after a moment of silence. This made Min-Gi raise his head in confusion. "If anything, I'm just relieved you said it first" Ryan added, nervously scratching at the back of his neck before returning his hand to the wheel and instead opting to scratch at the leather covering. "What do you mean?" Min asked, confused as hell.

"I've kinda always admired you" Ryan admitted, shrugging. "But not just in a 'oh, that's my cool friend and he could definitely destroy my ass in a fight' type way" he continued. "I didn't want to say anything back then because everyone told me that being a queer was bad, and then when we reunited I couldn't say anything cause you were mad at me"

"I'm not mad at you now" Min replied gently, getting a chuckle out of the other boy. "Well, I would hope not" Ryan said, amused. This was followed by the two of them falling into a comfortable silence for a bit until Min eventually broke it. "So..." he started nervously. "What does this mean for us?"

"I don't know" Ryan replied. "But..." he continued, taking one hand off the wheel and reaching over to hold the other's hand. "We can figure it out together" Ryan finally said. "We have all the time in the world"

"Yeah" Min replied with a small smile. "We have all the time"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2021 ⏰

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