12- Rings

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A/N: I hope this comes out as cute as it is in my head :,)

Your POV:

I twiddled with my fingers under the desk, trying to somehow find a way to occupy myself. I liked potions, don't get me wrong but this class was beginning to drag on.

Snape had been prattling on about the same few potions the past 3 lessons.

How to make them, what effects they have, how long they last. Evaluating them through and through.

I was sat next to Draco, he, though being someone everyone knew loved potions, was staring blankly at the woods intricate swirls on the table.

Just as I was looking at him, he glanced up at me, grey eyes scanning mine.

His lips quirked upward, a slight smile getting painted across his features.

I started to smile back as I noticed his smile drop on one side, forming a smirk.

My brows furrowed with a curious smile still on my own face.

His pinkie finger grabbed at mine gently, and he slowly slid his hand into mine. All while glancing back up to me.

I mean we were friends- maybe we flirted a little bit every now and again, but we didn't often physically touch.

I had to look away, trying to keep him from seeing the redness that most definitely had flushed across my face.

He squeezed my hand the minute I turned away. I could feel his rings dig into my skin.

I had my lips pressed into a thin line, trying to avoid smiling so obviously.

'Your rings are digging into my skin.' It meant to come out more sarcastic, but my tone, and nerves, betrayed me. It ended up sounded like a pathetic whisper over anything else.

His eyebrows raised and he released the pressure, beginning to slide his hand out of mine.

I tugged it back quickly, and he kept his face turned away, clearly trying to cover up his own embarrassment.

I heard him mumble a quick 'Sorry,'
Before trying to stare at anything else in the room other than me.

I rolled my eyes, he was kind of cute admittedly.

I started to absentmindedly fiddle with the rings on his fingers.

I could see his smile out of the corner of my eye, which was undeniably accompanied by a light blush over his pale cheeks.

As the lesson started to wrap up, I felt him slide off the ring on his ring finger and place it in my palm.

I tilted my head when I glanced up at him, a are-you-seriously-giving-me-this look on my face.

He just nodded, as if he knew the question rattling in my head, and stood up.

He grabbed his stuff and did his usual little strut out of the classroom.

What the actual fuck- was all I could think in the flustered state I was, and I couldn't help but jump when Hermione came up from behind.

'You ready to go?'

'Oh- yes- yes, let's go.' I quickly responded and grabbed my belongings.

She could clearly notice my flustered, jumpy behaviour, and the blush painted on my cheeks, but thank Merlin she choose to not bring it up.

As we walked in comfortable silence I carefully twirled the ring around my own finger, the boy who's  hand it had belonged to the only thing on my mind at the moment.

And something tells me, he's probably thinking about me too.

A/N: haven't proof read this, it's super late, so I hope there's not grammatical errors! Anyway hope you liked :) - A.S

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