7- I dont know how to tell her..

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Draco's POV:

Blaise was still prattling on about this weeks upcoming quidditch game, but I'd lost interest after the first 5 minutes.

My eyes had landed on a certain Ravenclaw. I knew barely anything about her, but god she was drop dead gorgeous.

She had sat next to me in potions once and I couldn't take my gaze off of her.

I don't know how much she noticed, but I find any moment of minute interaction has my stammering and tripping over my own words.

Which I never stutter. Not even when talking to my father, and he's bloody intimidating.

'Oi, Draco?' Blaise voice broke my train of thought.

'What?' I mumbled, breaking my eyes away from the Ravenclaw table.

'You looking at a certain Y/n? I heard from a little birdy that you've taken a fancy to her.' He smirked, glancing at Crabbe and Goyle.

'Oh you absolute bastards!' I sneered at them both. I knew they had told him, since they're the only people that knew about it.

'H-he was threatening us-' Crabbe stuttered.

'Whatever whatever- why don't you just ask her for help with something- like Care of Magical Creatures. There's a upcoming test for that.' Blaise shrugged.

'Well I guess that's not a terrible Ide-' I was cut off by Blaise again.

'Well she's walking past so nows your chance.'

I stood up and slunk around the Slytherin table to get to her side.

'Er.. hi Malfoy?' She said quizzically.

'Uh- hello y/n?' She was staring at me now as we slowly walked through the great hall.

'I Erm.. know you're pretty good at Care of Magical Creatures I was.. I was wondering if you would help me with the upcoming test.' I quickly mumbled.

She let out a bit of a laugh,

'You don't have to if you don't want. I was just-'

'No don't worry I'm happy to, I just thought it was odd. Draco Malfoy standing infront of me of all people asking for help.' She smiled.

'Meet me at the library in 15 minutes.'

'Oh. Ok I'll see you there, thank you.' I smiled back and turned on my heel to go get my stuff from my dorm.

I walked into the library to see her sitting at a table,

'Hey y/n.' I said, though it came out more quiet and unconfident than I had intended.

'Hey Malfoy.' She had her brows furrowed at the use of her first name, but a smile still lingered on her lips.

'Uhm thanks again for helping me out.'

'Of course, I'm happy to. I guess that's the Ravenclaw in me.'

'Ah I guess.' I ran a nervous hand through my hair.

'The Ravenclaw in me is also telling me somethings up... with you in particular?'

'Oh uh.. i-' I stopped and inhaled deeply. She already knows clearly so I may as well spill.

'Look y/n I've liked you for a while now. You seem really sweet and you're absolutely stunning. I- I just didn't know how to tell you.' I mumbled, looking down at the table, worried to see her reaction.

'Oh-' she sounded shocked in a way.

'I thought more along the lines as in you were having a bad day- but that's er- cool to?' She seemed taken aback.

'Sorry I can go-'

'No no! Don't go I'm just unexplainably awful at reacting to confessions of love I guess-' she scooted over to me.

'If you obviously don't need help with Care of Magical Creatures, then how about we just meet up at Hogsmeade this Saturday for a butter beer?'

'I- I would love that.' My heart felt like it could burst.

'Perfect, see you then.' She gave me a peck on the cheek and left the library. My heart definitely just burst.

My skin must've been glowing red by now, but god, that was perfect.

She was perfect.

A/N: I hope y'all liked that- let me know if you want a part to of the hogsmeade date or something.

This has like 700+ reads atm and I'm super happy about it. Anyways thank you all so much! <3

- A.S :)

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