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"Yeah, I wish i could disappear."

I sat down in the living room with a wine glass in one hand and a picture of me and y/n on our first date before it started to rain.

That was our first date ever but we didn't know it was going to rain,I remember the day as if it was like yesterday.......


"Oh my gosh lily this is so beautiful!" Y/n exclaimed as she looked at the stary night sky.

$Thank you ,I wanted it to be special just for you. " I smiled at her as she adored all the stars above our heads.

"Well it's more than I deserve, you really didn't have to do this lily." She turned towards me as I was already looking at her but in a loving non creepy way.

"I wanted to, I wanted our first date to be special, a memory that'd last forever." I really wanted her to remember this day since I've never been on an actual date so I was a little ( a lot ) worried she wouldn't like it.

"Awe well thank you lily-" Y/n was cut off short to the heavy rain starting to pour out from the dark but star lit sky.

"Oh my God we need to go , c'mon Y/n!" I exclaimed while pulling off my jacket and giving to her while dragging her towards the car.

We laughed as we ran down the huge hill almost falling from how slippery and wet the hill was ,we were almost sliding down it instead of running down it.

We finally made it to the car , I quickly opened her side and jogged over to mine before hopping inside of the car turning it on to get some warmth even though I really didn't need it since I had Y/n next to me.

"Lily...." Y/n spoke softly into my ear.

"Y-yes" I said becoming a nervous wreck #gaypanic.

"I love you" She looked up at me smiling so warmly I thought I was going to melt.

"I love you too y/n, I've always had. Before I met you I wanted to disappear, get away from this shitty place. But oh no, I saw you just sitting there reading on a bench outside the coffee shop I always went to go to clear my mind, so I kept going there every day until I finally talked to after being a pussy. But I'd never think it'd go this far." I looked at telling her how I truly felt since I'm not too good with feelings..

"Olivia....I want to be the one you love, hold at night, kiss, or even fight with because you're the one for me and nobody else...." She whispered softly.

We both started leaning in as I felt her hot breath fanning against my lips and I lean more into her kissing her felt like an explosion full of emotions, love and passion, that never wanted to stop for as long as we both lived...


"Well I guessed that ended fast." I said as I put the picture back in it's rightfulplace and decided to go to bed after mostly crying all day.

"Yeah, I wish I could disappear"


Hi guys I will try to update a lot more since I'm full of emotions so.....Popeyes chicken sandwich?

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