1. Reunion

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I am so tired today but I promised an old best friend, Argo that we'd finally meetup. After years of playing eternal tag we were able to finally get our shit together (and schedules) and make it happen.

You see Argo and I grew up together in the big city. We were inseparable as kids. It was funny looking back on it all really. We were dumb as hell and thought somehow we can get away with anything. And for the most part we did. 

I was the good one though. The sane one. The one that kept Argo from getting arrested or something worst. I remember we used to cut class and take the train to the mall so that Argo could hook up with the guys from other high schools there. She'd always invite them back to her place during the day while her parents were at work and I'd play lookout while she fucked them in the bedroom she shared with her sister.

I never hooked up with anyone or anything. I was too good or quiet or something, but no one ever even looked in my direction since Argo was so stunning and captivated every room she ever walked in. I didn't mind though since I had zero desire to fuck guys. At the time I didn't really understand what my own deal was but looking back I was just too scared to admit I was gay. Thank god I never had feelings for Argo though. If I had she would've surely ripped my heart to shreds, fucked me some more and then spit on my body on her way out.

Anyway, Argo and her older sister were like oil and water. But even though they fought all the time, they were still inseparable for some reason.

Her sister, Alice, couldn't stand any of Argo's crazy and was always the good girl of the family. She never made a fuss and more importantly she never told on her sister or implicated me in it all. But I remember clearly that for some reason we just couldn't stand each other. She could never bare to look at me. She was a few years older than us and seemed annoyed pretty much with anything we did even though it was mostly her sister up to no good and I was just tagging along.

I remember one time while Argo was fucking some huge basketball player looking guy on her weekly rotation, Alice came home and found me sitting in the kitchen.

"Oh god, not this shit again" she said.

"Hey, I'm sorry, your sister wouldn't listen to me. Sorry?" I kind of pleaded with her even though I knew she'd never tell.

She rolled her eyes and walked slowly to the chair next to the kitchen table and set her things down. Never giving me any eye contact she made her way to the fridge and stood drinking a soda, completely annoyed and staring at the wall. 

"Argo!!!!!!!!!!!" she yelled at the top of her lungs.

We could hear Argo through the door clearly as their room was right next to the kitchen in the tiny apartment they lived in with their parents and little brother.

"Shhhhh, shit shit shit," I heard Argo say as she stumbled around the room, most probably trying to get her clothes back on and figuring out ways to get rid of the 6 ft tall tight muscled guy in her room.

As we waited for Argo to "finish," Alice sat down in an empty chair across the table from me and let out an annoyed sigh. Still not looking at me or even acknowledging that I was there. 

I could understand why she was upset but I never understood why she was always this way with me.  She never looked at me, even when she barely spoke to me. It always made me feel like a wounded insect with her heel ready to finish me off at any given moment.

I started to dread her being around and decided to just keep my distance and do everything possible not to bother her or be anywhere in her atmosphere since she seemed to want it that way. 

Sometimes though, I secretly wished she'd just be nice to me, even if just for a moment. She had to have known that I was the good one just tagging along. But I guess it didn't matter. 

Argo was like a fireball running through every situation at any given time. I suppose if she had been my sister, I wouldn't have wanted anything to do with her or her friends.

Anyway, that all happened when me and Argo were sixteen and Alice was eighteen. We're in our late 20s now. All grown up I suppose.

I haven't seen either of them in over ten years. I was relieved when Argo said she was coming alone. The last thing I wanted to see was her sister. I didn't want to feel that discomfort again.

Anyway, I'm here now at the airport and looking forward to this reunion. I can't wait to slam down jack and cokes with my fireball buddy. I've been ready to rip this town apart and Argo is just the tonic I need to feel fucking alive again since my life has become this monotone life of working late at the office, falling asleep early hugging a pint of cherry ice cream and canoodling my dog, Phifer.

Sigh, wish she'd just get here already. I looked up to the incoming flights and saw that her flight had landed like 30 minutes ago.

I paced around the terminal and landed in front of the Auntie Anne's Pretzel stand. And just as I was trying to decide between cinnamon or vanilla I heard a loud obnoxious booming voice.



"Holy shit!" I ran towards her flinging her around in a warm tight hug. "I fucking missed you!"

"I missed you too, hot panda crew reunited!" she laughed. "Hey I got a surprise for you." Argo said running back towards a nearby bookstand kiosk and just as she smiled around hopping, I saw her walk out from behind a tall rotating set of tourist maps.

Fucking Argo. I'm gonna kill her.

"Hey." she said softly walking towards me. Except this time she looked so different. She was tall but not too tall. Her brown hair was lighter, like it had been in the sun recently. Her body was really fit and looked really tight and long and lean. Her tanned skin looked like a glistening unicorn. Yeah, I totally just thought unicorn. But it actually glistened. Maybe it was some special lotion she used or something. And her green eyes and smile.....Dam. I'd never fucking admit it, she looked amazing. 

Fuuuuck. fuck. fuck. Keep your gay thoughts to yourself.

"Hey." I said back nonchalantly, acting like it was neither here nor there to see her.

She smiled and laughed, "Well good to see you too." She rolled her eyes and walk back towards the book kiosk.

"Sorry, I hope this doesn't change anything, I had promised her some sister time since I haven't seen her much since she moved to Florida. I thought maybe it could be like a girls weekend?" Argo said in low voice hiding everything she said into another hug so that Alice couldn't hear.

"Yeah yeah, no worries." I replied. 

I just hope she keeps her attitude in check, I thought to myself. I'm not that kid anymore.

And apparently from what I had already seen, neither was she.

Lifted Part I: My Best Friend's Sister {A girlxgirl steamy romance story}Where stories live. Discover now