5. Hurt

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I barely slept. I felt so stuck to her body. It almost felt like she sit perfectly into the curves of my waist. She was so warm it made my whole body relax. And her smell intoxicated me. I had embraced her the entire night. She slept and slept as I caressed her hair and looked over every inch of her carefully. I even kissed her a few times in the middle of the night softly. She kissed me back, still half asleep, but she made the most adorable sounds every time.

I wish I could say that last night was just a well deserved slut fuck. And the way I threw her over that counter and licked her inside would qualify for a proper slut fuck. But it just didn't feel that way. I didn't fuck her because I wanted to tame her or use her. I fucked her because her body needed mine and we just couldn't put it off any longer. Like, we NEEDED to fuck. We NEEDED to collide. And every minute we kept putting it off was just getting physically unbearable.

I had alot of time to think while I watched her through the night. I thought about when we were kids. And tried to make sense of what happened and more importantly why it happened. But the only way to really understand everything was to talk to her. So I waited patiently til the morning, but felt determined to find out what was happening between us.

"Hey," I whispered as she started to open her eyes. 

"Hey," she replied softly as she pushed back into me as she threw her body out into a stretch. Just as she did that I caressed her breasts and glided my hand down her hips.

She laughed quietly. I think I tickled something.

She rolled her onto her back and ran her hand to her neck to rub it. I took it as an opportunity to roll over onto her gently and threw my mouth into her neck.

She closed her eyes and moaned softly, letting out a slow long sigh.

By this time I was naked too. She hadn't seen my full body the night before. I didn't feel shy though and pressed myself into her mound to greet her, rubbing myself gently against her. I could feel us both getting wet.

"Mmmmmmmmmmmmm," She said softly, smiling with her eyes closed. Tilting up towards me.

I looked her in the eyes.


"so." she replied, smiling gently at the gentle rubbing happening below.

I stopped moving.

"I think.....we.... need to talk about last night."

She rolled her eyes, her energy shifted.

"Hey..." I said softly...."Don't avoid me."

"I'm not avoiding you," she said softly as she looked back into my eyes.

"I just want to know, what's your deal?" I asked sincerely.

"My deal?" she looked quickly, seemingly annoyed at my question. 

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean it in a bad way. I just...I dunno...one moment you hated me and could never even look at me and now you're here with me and...I...feel like ........you belong....with me." I said softly, trying to hide from my shyness.

She laid quietly, looking at my face. I could tell she was looking me over carefully.

"Well....don't you have anything to say?" I asked, still laying on top of her and looking down on her face.

"I don't know what you want me to say." She replied softly.


She took in a long breath and looked away and rolled her eyes, "I can't do this." She replied as she began to move out from under me and sat up on the edge of the bed.

I grabbed her hand when she tried to stand up to leave but she looked down on me and shook her head no pleadingly. I let go as she walked away.

I sunk my head down into my pillow, frustrated. Is this how it's going to be? Am I ever going to get any real answers out of her?

Eventually I made my way out of bed and threw on my jeans. I walked barefoot to the kitchen and found her sitting cross legged in one of my hoodies and her underwear on the living room couch watching tv.

I walked over to the kitchen and made myself a cup of coffee and set it down. My frustration building.

I walked over and stood in front of her, blocking her view from the tv.

"Stop." I said, not wanting to play this game anymore.

"What?" She replied, annoyed.

I knelt before her and placed my arms through hers.

She tried to squirm but I gently brought her arms around my neck.

She let out a sigh and looked up, unable to look me in the eyes.

"I want this. I want you." I said.

I could see her melting.

"I can't do this," she said, this time her eyes starting to look wet.

I leaned up to kiss her, gently pulling and tugging my lips against hers.

"I want this." I whispered into our kiss.

"I want this." I repeated again as I ran my arms under her body and lifted her up to carry her. 

"I want this." I said again as I carried her back and laid her down back in my bed and began to take off her hoodie.

She fell limp again and began to breath fast again. I ran my tongue down her stomach and licked the area around her belly button, sucking on her skin and biting her lightly.

"That's all you want." She said from nowhere, rolling her eyes and tensing up.

"Is that what you really think?" I stopped and turned to her. "You know what? I'm the one that can't do this." I said as I threw her leg away from me and began to get dressed.

She sat up quietly in the bed watching me. 

As I began to leave the room I looked back at her to see if she had found any courage to say anything or to just let me walk away.

When I saw her sitting silent I rolled my own eyes and left.

I took the elevator to the ground floor. 

I walked out to the walkway that wound along the riverfront.

I shoved my hands in my pockets to shield myself from the cold morning air as I walked and walked.

Oh and one more thing. I think I just fell in love with her.

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