6. The Diner

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"I swear his cock looked like our old teacher Mr. Wrangle's." Argo laughed as she motioned her arms wide and motioned the waitress over for the check.

"I had forgotten about that...Sounds like your night went well," I laughed as I sat across the table from her at the diner we had decided to have breakfast in.

"He was such a cunt too. I told him if he did a popper I could totally fuck him in the ass and it wasn't gonna hurt. He bitched out and got mad. Fuck him." She went on, going down the list of her conquests from the night before.

"So what did you two get up to? I was going to look for you guys but this girl Lea I know dragged me to the stripper room and I don't even remember much after that," Argo continued, dumping way too much sugar in her coffee.


"Nothing much," Alice interrupted me as she sat near the window, still wearing my hoodie.  "I got to talk to that guy with the red blazer I had mentioned to you when we walked in."

I burned.

"oh nice. And I'm sure you did absolutely nothing as usual and had a nice and decent time talking all fucking night." Argo snarked.

"Guy in a red blazer. Oh you mean that asshole with the stick up his ass." I said, adding my broody two cents in.

"He was nice. I gave him my number. Maybe I'll wear that sexy new dress I've been wanting to wear when he calls me to take me out to dinner, I hope it's not too much since it's so short." Alice said staring me down. I could tell she was burning up too.

"So Jess....Marina huh?" Argo said winking her eye and moving her right eyebrow up in approval.

"Oh yeah....Marina." I said smiling and licked my lips as I looked down on my coffee cup. "She was something. I had alot fo fun with her. I love it when she talked dirty to me."

"Dude, she's so fucking hot. Did you see that jumpsuit she had on?"

"Mmmhmmm." I said smiling but shifted my eyes right back at Alice as she started to cross her arms and noticebly burn more. 

"I saw you guys kissing when I walked by with the Russian but then he got into a fight and I bounced." Argo went on. "So tell me, do her lips taste good? I bet they taste like cherries."

"Actually, they tasted like vanilla ice cream." I replied, still staring at Alice.

Her green eyes smoldering by this point as she stared me right back down. 

"Wooooooahhhhhh.....Pleeeeeeease tell me you hit that." Argo laughed, now eyeing the bus boy.

"Nah, she was bad trippin' I couldn't do that." I replied as I looked down to take a sip of my coffee.

"Sounds like your night was just as boring as Alice's." Argo snarked.

"Actually it wasn't. I did bring someone home."

"Whhhhhat????? Well congratulations you fucking whore, do I know her?"


"Tight ass?"

"Something like that."

"Was she too plain?"

"No, actually she was...amazing. Not at all like I imagined." By this point Alice was now staring me down so hard that she was now the one brooding.

"You dirty slut. Well I'm happy for you." Argo said, now watching the bus boy make his way into the men's room.

Argo quickly threw a $20 bill on the table, "Hey I'll catch up with you guys later ok? And don't forget, Tunnel again tonight!" She said disappearing into the back.

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