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Sierra and Eve were on the way to the Gilbert house. She knew that Elena was out with Stefan or Damon she didn't really know it was hard to tell with her. They knocked on the door and waited. Jenna was expecting them so it shouldn't take long for her to answer. When the door swung open Jenna smiled and invited them in. "So what did you want to talk about that was so urgent?" The strawberry blonde asked. Sierra looked at Eve and Eve glanced at her.

"We have some things that we need to tell you but we don't know how to tell you." Sierra started before looking at Eve. "It's something that Elena won't tell you because she thinks she's keeping you safe not knowing that you are already apart of it rather you know it or not." Eve continued what Sierra was trying to say. Jenna looked back and forth between the two. "Okay... What is it?" Jenna asked once more. "Witches, werewolves, vampires... All of those are real. I can safely say that as the one who had a hand in all supernatural species being here." Sierra replied and stood back on her heels. "What..." Jenna looked surprised, shocked, betrayed, and like she just realized something. "How would Elena know about the supernatural? How am I already in the mix of things? Why didn't anyone tell me?" Jenna rapid fired questions quickly as the initial shock wore off. "Slow down I only caught like two of your questions." Sierra chuckled and helped Jenna sit down.

"Okay so explain." The woman said after regaining her breath that felt like it was taken from her. Sierra asked Eve to grab some whiskey knowing that everyone was gonna need it when the conversation was over.after Jenna took a sip of the liquid she looked at her pointedly waiting for an answer. "Elena knows about the supernatural through Damon and Stefan. They are vampires, turned in 1864 by a vampire named Katherine Pierce." Sierra started. "I'm going to go off a whim and say no one told you because they thought they were keeping you safe but not knowing doesn't keep you safe it just exposes you to the danger." Sierra spoke the words that in another lifetime Jenna had spoken to her. That time they were as thick as thieves. "Okay so how am I already in it? I'm not special I have nothing." Jenna asked while looking Sierra dead in the eyes. "Because you're supernatural. You were born truly in 1414. We met at a ball, you were flattered at first, then my wife wanted to eat you because she got jealous then not so much after she realized who you were to us." Sierra looked at her features. "And at the time you went by another name Adeline it was." The Morningstar girl smiled at the memories.

"What do you mean your wife wanted to eat me?" Jenna asked. Sierra chuckled at the memory. "My wife is a very jealous woman you see if someone were to look at me a certain way she would kill them and my wife is a vampire. She's very deadly actually probably worse than her brother. You my dear are the one exception." Sierra smiled fondly. "Why?" Jenna asked once more. "Because you are her other half." Jenna could've swore that her heart gave out. Her other half? What did that even mean and how was she born in 1414 if she was only in her twenties. "Tell me more." Jenna drank the rest of what was in her cup and refilled the cut to the brim this time.


Madeline finally decided to leave her room because she had brushed by to busy on her phone and she could sense Malia was in the house along with a sweet presence that made her curious. She also smelled vampire but that isn't the point. She couldn't get over that intoxicating smell it was heavenly and yet she knew what came with that sweet sweet smell. Get over yourself and leave the room is what she told herself. So with that being said she went back to the living room where a blonde who she could tell was the vampire, her sisters were and the source of the scent that invaded her nose. It was a witch she could tell, she had to be a Bennett witch with the amount of power that was flowing off of her in waves.

The green eyes that stared back at her reminded her of the blue eyes that had once looked at her like that. When Madeline finally locked eyes with the green eyed girl she froze and almost dropped her phone. "Anybody else finding this weird." A whisperer broke the silence that followed snapping Maddy out of her trance as well as Bonnie. "Shhh Caroline." Natalia whispered back. Bonnie broke eye contact first and looked took a moment to give her a once over. Madeline was wearing a sweat suit and some Converse and her hair was up. Madeline also did the same and looked over Bonnie. Her dark hair was down she wore jeans and a black t-shirt some doc Martin's and a jean jacket. It was a casual outfit but she looked good in it. Malia clears her throat.

"Bonnie this is my sister Madeline. Maddy this is Bonnie." Both heard what she said but ignored her words. They could introduce themselves, but neither girl moved. A nice to meet you was on the tip of Bonnie's tongue but Madeline's accented voice shut her up real quick. "Nice to meet you darling." Bonnie's heart sped up and Malia winked at her now smirking older sister as they both heard it. "Nice to meet you too." Bonnie rushed out of the room a mere few seconds after and headed straight for the bathroom. "Oh dear lord, did i say some thing wrong?" Maddy asked looking at the other three women in the room. "Uh i'm just gonna go check on her." Caroline left the room.


okay so like double update who has possessed me🫠
finally got a new computer after months. gonna have to get my font back🫠 anyways Jenna isn't gonna die

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2023 ⏰

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