Streams That Meet

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The world was now approaching midnight.

Shortly after the meeting, word came in from Y/N's lookouts that Miraz and his men were building a bridge across The Great River. To send a bigger search party after the Prince, and to hunt down what was left of The Narnians. Admittedly, even Y/N was surprised at how adamant Miraz was about killing his nephew.

Even then, Y/N's faith in her army and years of leadership experience was not about to waver. There were enough things in the world that were well beyond unstable, and she wasn't about to add one to the list.

While The Bandits and The Narnians planned their first integrated heist to swipe material from the Telmarines in the night, Y/N had decided to patrol the forest with Valda to keep watch over their foe's movements. Or at least that's what she told everyone else as she walked off. In actuality, Y/N needed time in isolation to comprehend what she had just done.


"So be it"? What the hell was I thinking? She cursed herself silently as she walked away from the crowd towards where the griffins were all stationed.

"What the hell were you thinking?" A familiar voice called out to her from behind. She turned her head to see Ezio and Deo hastily stomping towards them, outraged. Just brilliant, she thought.

"I did what I had to do." Y/N replied flatly as she sped up her pace. Unfortunately, her right hand men caught up with her before she could escape, one walking on each side of her.

"What happened to 'not leaving it up to a Telmarine'?" Deo grunted. Y/N closed her eyes and took a breath in. Now was not a good time to tamper with her eroding patience.

"We're not." she said simply, trying to conceal the frustrated twinge in her voice.

"You've taken his hand. You've agreed to make him your equal!" Ezio chimed in in a hushed tone, trying his best not to cause a scene. Y/N's eyes twitched at the notion. My equal.

"Better yet, he wants you to be his mentor-" Deo tried to continue. She had had enough.

"What the hell did you want me to do? Back out?" Y/N snapped, stopping in her tracks. The two boys froze and took a step back at her sudden bark. They gulped as they saw the intensity glimmer in her eyes. "Miraz has got his whole army hunting for Narnians and you wanted me to betray them now?"

"No but-" Ezio stammered.

"But what Ez? What? Do you think I don't understand the weight of my own decision?" Ezio averted his gaze to the ground. For the first time even he - the brain of The Bandits - couldn't deny, there wasn't much of another choice.

Y/N clutched her chest and gritted her teeth, her eyes pinned on her brothers. "Do you think it doesn't kill me to think that I've sided with the nephew of the man who murdered my brother?" she said, much quieter now.


Y/N's head dropped, she stared at the scuffed tip of her boots. If there was one thing The Bandit King struggled to do, it was emotional vulnerability. A wave of shame and anger washed over her as her own words sunk in on her conscience. It took everything in her to stop her from shuddering at the fact that she had admitted her aching.

Suddenly she felt the warmth of Ezio's hands take hold of her shoulders. No matter how much she wanted to deny it, Ezio's touch always was followed by a rush of calmness and comfort. Perhaps not as comforting as the late Azriel's reassurance, but a close second.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2021 ⏰

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