Hi Shinichi. Said Kuroba. Uh. Oh hi...? Said Shinichi. Whats up!?!??!!??!?!? Why do you feel so down near me? well. um... look kuroba i dont know if this will work out but ran told me you told her to stay away from me. Said Shinichi. Seriously!? said kuroba. look it was a joke! said kuroba. oh. probably ran was joking with me then. replied shinichi. yes she did! said kuroba.
guys today is my time to relax so i wont do any corrections
well im going to class. said shinichi. okay. said kuroba. *in the back of the school * SO YOU JUST HAD TO TELL HIM RAN!? Yelled kuroba angrily. did he stay away from you or what? asked ran. hmm *if i say he didnt then she will keep going and saying bad stuff* yes he did! said kuroba. thats great news now if you dont mind im going. said ran walking of.
i will get her back. said kuroba
guys read my other stories
if u didnt