"Anyways, how about you sit behind him." the teacher pointed at Shinichi. "My pleasure." Kuroba smirked.
Ran didn't look to happy about this, she saw the way KUROBA smirked. She thought something was going to have between them. She had to warn Shinichi after class.
"Hello~" Kuroba whispered to Shinichi gratefully as he walked to his seat.
"U-um? Hi." Kudo whispered back.
AFTER CLASS, Ran asked Shinichi if she could ask him something and he said yes, with the corner of Rans eye she saw Kaito smiling at Shinichi weirdly like he had a crush on him.
"Shinichi, that new guy/Kuroba is up to something! We got to stay away from him." Ran whispered dangrously.
"Wait what?" Shinichi asked then he glanced at Kuroba who was looking straight at him.
"Just listen please, he doesn't seem good. I think he wants to do something to you, did you not see him staring at you? He was smiling." Ran warned.
"Ran, your right, it's scaring me though." Shinichi shivered. "Lets just go to lunch." Ran rolled her eyes secretly at Kuroba.
They went to go find Sonoko, who waved at them. "Heyyyyy! Come over here!" She laughed while seeing Shinichi bumping into random people.
"Hi!" Ran said.
"Hey." Shinichi sighed.
"So? You know that new student, he seems pretty popular with girls, plus he's getting all the ATTENTION." Sonoko blushed at Kuroba.
"Seriously? He's up to no good, he smirked at Shinichi, then he even smiled!" Ran whispered so that no one would hear.
"Huh!? What in the world, that's weird." Sonoko said with a serious tone.
"Is he really normal?" Shinichi asked then he looked at Kuroba, while he was looking, Kuroba looked at him and did a small chuckle which made Shinichi angry a little for some reason.
"Is something wrong?" Ran asked.
"I guess? Kuroba just did a small chuckle at me." Shinichi groaned. "I still like him though." Sonoko blushed even harder while staring right into Kuroba.
"WHY?! He's not cool at all!" Ran said.
"Well you didn't even get to know "him" so how would you know he isn't cool or normal?" Sonoko asked trying to act smart.
"You can tell! Plus, he looks like he was going to do something to Shinichi, i forgot to say that in class i saw Kuroba put his hand on Shinichi's leg lightly while he was walking to his seat when he came in." Ran explained.
"!?!? So when he said Hello~ to me he touched my leg?!" Shinichi asked a little loud.
"Hey quiet down!" Sonoko said.
"Sorry." he apologized.
"Yes, no one noticed though, you didn't feel it? How?" Ran asked.
"It was light, so i couldn't feel anything much but i did feel a little touch." Shinichi said.
As Ran was speaking about how Kuroba was terrible Shinichi saw Kuroba walking over to them, so he warned them to go find another table but when he was about to get up he felt something grab his arm.
"Where are you going~" Kuroba asked to Shinichi.