This is a oneshot
"Haha, lol Shinichi that was funny." Ran laughed cutely trying to make Kudo fall for her.
"I know!" he agreed.
"Class, be quiet were having a new student today." our teacher said then she motioned the student in because he was outsid e waiting.
"What?" Shinichi whispered to Ran. "You guys look like twins." Ran wondered a little. "Eh? It's nothing." Shinichi chuckled.
"Uhh alright, " Ran answered she was still kind of thinking that Shinichi was suspicious.
"Hello! I am Kuroba Kaito." He shouted.
"He looks cute" Kuroba thought to himself while looking at Shinichi.Tbc with this oneshot will have 2 parts
By the way guys, my writing before was literally so bad, like that's not my original writing for my first parts i was so lazy that i didn't even know how to write an actual story,