Enemies now

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 Now Ran and Kaito are enemies. Kaito hated how Ran just wanted attention from Shinichi.

Are you happy that you dont need to see Aoko? You told me a lot about her of what she did to you and how she's your enemy now. Said Kudo. Yea. Anyways Ran is like really making me mad. Said kuroba.

What happened? Asked Shinichi. You can tell me if you want. Well you see she keeps telling lies about me. Said Kaito. Well. i dont know why but she has been my longer friend so i should trust her more? Said Shinichi.

WAIT! NO! Said Kuroba. You cant. I heard a conversation how she does lies about me. Said Kaito. Wait what? Said shinichi. And she wants your attention!

What is that Kaito guy saying! Said Ran. What he said is true not lies! He absolutely love's Shinichi. I need Shinichi to trust me more! *runs*

Is someone there? Yelled Kaito. What?? Said Shinichi.


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