Another day at work

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Hi guys went it came to writing about working at the hospital, as I live in the UK I only know how our hospital systems work so I just kinds based it on that, hopefully you guys understand..... anyway I should probably stop blabbering and start writing the story.

Great, another day at work, as you  raced through the mutely light hospital corridors whilst trying to check on your patient after her absurdly long operation, though being one of the best neurosurgeons in the hospital you were used to the long underpaid hours of working tirelessly on helping people with a variation of brain tumors and such like. At last, you had reached the door, but you heard voices inside filled with enthusiasm, and among them you heard a baritone voice which stood out the most. You couldn't believe it! She was your patient and yet he was the one breaking the success of  the operation the family; he knew this was your favorite part of this job, hell everyone knew, even the bloody janitor knew. He had done this on countless occasions but when confronting him  about it, he would  just brush it of  saying that " We work together as a team". But today enough was enough, whilst trying to keep a innocent smile, though surprising fighting the urge to rip his face off, you went into the small room, where your patient was lying on the hospital bed with a bandage over her head. 

" Good afternoon, everyone so how is she doing ?" you asked with fake innocence dripping form every word.

"Oh Dr L/N, I imagine doing the operation yourself, you would evidently know the state of your patient" Stephan said, as his piercing blue eyes fixated on you, his a small smirk formed over his face. You knew he was messing with you, trying to piss you off, but you couldn't release your never-ending anger onto him, especially in front of the family. But thankfully at God's all mighty grace his bleeper went off signalling he was needed elsewhere, but alas yours went off as well....

 (By the way a bleeper is like this thing that allows to communicate with other nurses or doctors and alerts you when you are needed elsewhere) Anyway, what do you think about this chapter, hopefully it was somewhat ok.

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