You Have Messed W/ My Friend Now You Mess W/ ME!

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Dear Diary,

This is the note I would send that bully if I had guts.......


The person you pulled the bullet on is scared and frightened....... And you say you're a Christian? Well the way you've been acting I don't think you're a Christian........... You Messed W/ My Friend Now You Mess W/ ME! The story........... Ok.... So it was an awesome morning to be alive.......just before school in the gym...... My friend "Cheese", another girl, and I were playing around just talking like good friends do.........when this kid"snot"came up to "Cheese" and said he wanted to talk to her..... But "Cheese" said she'll just stay there and her friends could "snot" went on while my friend and I just sorta walk and paced while they were talking.....then i stopped to see what he was saying, when I heard that he said if you threaten "fire" again you know what will happen("fire" was really close to "cheese" until they broke up now they are just friends..... But I was angry at "fire" for breaking "Cheese's" heart so I wrote a simple note that if he hurt her again I would annoy him for the rest of his life, but I don't annoy people to well so it wouldn't be a threat.....)......he said....... as he pulled out a bullet.......not the kind you find just on the street....... And then later my totally random friend,"cheese" not taking what he said seriously........had a can of coins so she was passing it out when she found a Chucky Cheese's coin and she(being a random person) just handed it to "fire" and as "cheese" was walking away "snot" said he wasn't joking......... And Thats The Story................................... so now my friend "cheese" is freaking out........but ok..... Because we reported "snot" to the principal...... The only problem is if "snot" gets suspended or expelled "fire"("snot's" best friend) would be angry at "cheese"..........

~<3~ Alex B.

P.S. "snot" and "fire" if you ever read this I am sorry I was over protective...................\:

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