Chapter 27

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To give Dark such a cruel and twisted past inspired me by Kyle and his troubled relationship with his dad and step-mom. I wanted to show Scarlett Red that he has changed for her and that he is a decent guy deep down. That's also how I feel about Kyle.

No matter how many issues, he seems to find a way of looking forward. However, with Gemma messing with his mind, the cracks are beginning to show. If he saw sense of it all, he would end it with her. But that is not my place to tell him.

I thought Gemma would be onto me again when I did that stupid stunt at the game. But I've managed to get away with it.

Getting ready for school, I'm fed, changed and have my books ready for another day in hell, as Ben would say. Before I leave my room, I open the blinds to let the light in and open the window slightly to allow the air to circulate. As I look over, there is a note on Kyles' window,

"Be ready at 7 pm. I have something to show you. K x"

Surprised and curious about what he wants to show me. My time outside with Kyle is devoted exclusively to the Science project. What would Gemma think if she found out? I'm sure she'll threaten me again, and I'll be back to the harsh words and deep clawing. I can't go, and I have no idea where he will take me. Why me? Why not Gemma?

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The digital clock on my bedside displays 6.55 pm, and I stare at it. What am I doing? Am I going to go?

I'm all dressed for it. My warm combat trousers are on with my hiking boots, a light grey long-sleeved t-shirt, and a thick jacket. That should be enough. I think I'll take a hat, just in case.

No, Lou, you are not going.

Do I want to spend time with Kyle? Yes.

Would I let myself believe we can be just friends? Absolutely not.

Overthinking didn't help, so I got up, but my phone fell out of my pocket and bounced around the floor, eventually ending up under my bed. I knelt on the floor and extended my arm to grab it but caught it with something else. A soft fabric laces between my fingertips, and I inspect it closely; it's the Scarlett Red mask I wore to the party.

If I was her now, she wouldn't care and doesn't have to please anybody. That's what I've spent doing my whole life trying to please others. If they don't want me to do it, I won't because it'll upset them.

Well, I'm tired of that now, I'm a young adult, and I should be able to make the right decisions.

With some uplifting courage from me, I put the mask down on the desk and pick up my dads hat to wear.

Screw everyone. I'll do whatever I want, and if I want to spend time with Kyle, I will.

Before leaving the house, I check downstairs and see that my mom is sound asleep on the couch, so I decide not to wake her up. As I walk over, he's already there leaning against his car. The light blue hoodie and hip denim jeans go well together with his blue eyes. His hair was messy but perfect, and he no longer had a sling on his right arm. Kyle is as handsome as ever.

'I wasn't sure you got my note.' He says, and I flush.

'Nope, I saw where are we going?' I ask.

His face brightens with a smile, 'You'll see.' and he unlocks the car.

I sit in the passenger seat and there isn't much of a conversation between us. Instead, we listen to the background music on the radio. I try to find out where we're going by looking out the window. Since it's dark, it isn't easy to see the signs, and all I know is that we're off-road. Not a streetlight in sight, and I started to get nervous when we suddenly stopped in the middle of the woods.

'Kyle, what are you doing here?' I ask with a hint of fright.

'It's ok, Lou. We'll need to walk for five minutes, and we'll be there.' He responds, and I follow him to the trunk.

'What is it? Why can't you tell me?'

Kyle picks up two flashlights and hands one to me. 'Because I don't want to spoil it for you.'

He then straps the backpack to his back and grabs two thick blankets, and carries them with the flashlight guiding the way. I turn mine on and follow. As we walked through a dark woodland forest, the pitch-black of the evening dawned on me, but I trusted him.

At the end of the woods, the view opens up to a mountain with the sky touching the ground. Many people have already arrived and taken their seats, with cameras, flasks, and binoculars slung around their necks.

I follow Kyle until he stops, dropping his rucksack and flattening one of the blankets on the floor.

'So, what is this?' I ask him, and he kneels and unzips the bag, revealing his telescope.

'This is a good spot tonight. The sky is clear and the perfect night to get a meteor shower.' Kyle says as he sets up the telescope.

'A meteor shower?'

He stands up and smiles, towering over me. 'Yeah...this is a good stargazing spot.'

'Hm...that's pretty cool, actually.' I say as I recall him saying that he would like to see this one day. A little flutter in my heart went to the front of my chest.

'I knew you wouldn't want to miss it too.' As he smiles at me, I blush once more. I need to stop doing that. There are stargazing enthusiasts all around us, and given how busy it is tonight, this must be good.

While Kyle sets everything up, I sit down cross-legged on the blanket and shiver a little. Even though it was a clear night, it was still cold.

'Here.' He tosses the other blanket into my lap. 'I thought you might need it.'

I thanked him and was touched that he thought about me. When I throw it over my shoulders, it instantly warms me up. I can smell his cologne, which makes my stomach turn.

'So what time does it happen?' I ask.

'Not long now.' He says as he returns to his bag, 'Do you want a hot drink ...It's hot chocolate. I'm not sure if you still drink it?'

'No, it's perfect. Thanks.' I take the flask from him and take a drink of the silky smooth flavour that is warming my insides. I give him a smile for being so caring and kind.

I notice everyone switching off their flashlights, so we turn off ours, which made everything darker.

'This is it, Lou...look up.' Kyle tells me, and I do.

Thousands of multi-coloured lights shoot through the sky at the same time, and the stars blink too. Every now and then, a shooting star appears in the sky. Everyone around me is gasping, just as I was when I first said, "Wow." I couldn't take my eyes away from it, and if I blink, I could miss something important. Time suddenly stands still, and all the negative things in the world are gone. This is beautiful, and I'm glad to be here.

Kyle pats my shoulder and directs me to look through the telescope. I peer one eye through. The lights seem to be brighter and faster than what I saw through my own eyes.

'It's amazing.' I said as I look at him. When I spend time with him, the cracks in my heart become more visible each day, and I want to tell him, "I love you."

'Yeah...' and he locks his gaze on me, 'I'm glad you're here to see it with me.'

'Thank you for bringing me here.' I return his stare.

I can't decide which is more beautiful: the night sky or Kyle's gorgeous blue eyes staring at me.

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