Keep you safe

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    Jimin stirred,he felt warm and cosy but what was that thump,thump,thump?He opened one eye then the other......he saw a naked chest that he was clinging onto and realised the noise was someone's heart. he cautiously moved his head up to see the sleeping face of Jungkook.....what the hell!!!!
"Eeeek,!" He squealed causing the other to wake up.
"Morning Jiminee," he mumbled.
"W-why am I in your bed a-and why are you n-naked?"
Jungkook smirked and wiggled his eyebrows ," why what are you thinking,Jimin," he said watching the blush bloom on the smaller boys face, before he burst out laughing,"Relax Jimin, you fell asleep on the sofa and when I was getting up to go you just clung onto me so it was easier to just carry you in here and cover you up you just cuddled down in the bed and I'm not naked just no top I always sleep naked but kept my bottoms on for your piece of mind."
" Well you should of slept on  the sofa," Jimin huffed.
"No way,it's my bed!!"
"B-but,it's weird,"
"Well I don't see you rushing to get out."
Jimin only realised then that he was still cuddled up to Jungkook and immediately shot up and fell out the bed only to hear the other boy shout in laughter.
Jimin stood up embarrassed  he could be such a klutz.
   The door suddenly opened and Tae ran in."we need to get up and dressed,pack some clothes Kook,we have to move back to the dorm for a bit,our manager rang but couldn't get through to you as you must have left your phone in the other room,come on quick we are being picked up in ten minutes".
Jungkook grumbled and was about to ask Tae why when he saw Tae give a small shake of the head and glance at Jimin.
"Er,Jimin you can use the shower while I pack ok?"
   The small boy nodded wondering what the fuss was about but knew they would be told soon. He sleepily walked into the shower room taking his clothes bag with him.
"What's going on Tae?"
"There's been a death threat......against Jimin,"
"What!.....are they sure it's not a hoax one,we do get them,from haters?"
"They sent a letter in,with pictures of Jimin,they have been taking photos over the last month,they know where he's been,they said he should make the most of  his last week on earth , management want us all together as it's easier to keep an eye on us all,we are allowed to tell Jimin there's been a threat but not to tell him it's against him or about the photos........."
"Fuck, they better catch the bastard,no one is gonna hurt my Jiminee,do the others know already?"
  Tae nodded and then shut up as Jimin appeared," hey I thought you two were packing hurry up we shouldn't keep the driver waiting," he huffed at them watching as they scurried to their rooms and got ready quickly,the doorbell rang and as Jimin was about to open the door ,Jungkook yelled,"no I'll get it," pushing the small boy aside before checking through the peephole who it was, "haha,Er,just our bodyguards". He said.
"Duh,who did you think it was an ax murderer," Jimin smirked before bowing to the guards and starting to walk out,Tae and Kook,following quickly.
   Once inside the car Jungkook let a breath out, not realising he had been holding it in walking from the door to the car. He looked at Tae who also looked relieved,while Jimin was flipping through his phone then,"hey just because your staying at the dorm doesn't mean you can have your room back Kookie," he grinned widely,eyes like crescent moons.
"Ah Jiminee......we are so good at sharing we will be ok and I'm sure Suga will share with Tae!"
"Yah," Jimin yelled at him remembering his morning wake up,Jungkook grinned.
Once back at the dorm they gathered in the sitting room,their manager was there,he looked at Tae and Jungkook raising a brow in query,they nodded and sat down waiting for him to speak.
"Well I have you here today because it's come to our notice that there has been a few threats against you so just for safety sake I want you  all in one  place for now and you may see extra bodyguards around ,any questions?"
They all shook their heads,"RM I'll keep you updated ok,"he said glancing at Jimin with a worried look,but the boy didn't notice as he was munching on an apple.
   The Manager left and the boys congregated towards the kitchen with Jin saying he would cook breakfast and each of them looking worriedly at each other,except Jimin who trying to keep the boys cheerful said,"Don't worry.....I'm sure it's a hoax we know it happens....why would anyone hurt us,"
"Yer...Jimins right  let's just carry on and forget it," JHope said ,hugging the small boy rather desperately ,"hyung.........I can't breathe,"he gasped out causing JHope to apologise and let him go just to grab him again in a quick hug.
"Let's eat,"said Jungkook,realising emotions were running high,he dragged everyone to the kitchen were before long there was a table full of food and a rush to sit down,everyone offering Jimin food much to his surprise but he laughed at it,making the others laugh too.
  Jungkook ate but constantly looked at Jimin .He was such an animated person,gesturing when trying to explain something,all Jungkook thought about was how Jimin had clung onto him in the night.He had left some distance between the two when he got into the bed but soon Jimin had cuddled in close,hands in his chest and head resting against him
It had taken a long time for Jungkook to sleep as Jimins little hands had constantly moved in his sleep  brushing against his abdomen and causing jungkook junior to rapidly rise or lightly touching his nipples both actions causing Jungkooks self control to come close to bursting until in the end he had grabbed the wandering hand held it against his chest and finally fallen asleep.
Breakfast finished,Tae and Jungkook walked towards the bedrooms,Suga happy to share with Tae and Jimin? Well after following the tall boy to his own room he muttered,"you have to wear a T Shirt though!!!"
  He sat in the bed letting Jungkook unpack, he looked at the younger boy,his feelings that he'd kept hidden for so long wanting to burst out,but he knew Kook didn't think of him that way,sure he had got his and Tae's relationship wrong but he thought he was right on this.
"Don't worry Kookie,I'm sure you will be back in your apartment soon ,until then I'll keep you safe," he grinned.
Jungkook had his back to the boy but at those words he closed his eyes thinking,"no Jiminee I will keep you safe now and forever,"

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