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The media had a field day about Jimins stalker and kidnapper ,the management put out as much as they could tell the public after having found that Minho was a fraudster good at making false documents but also had psychotic episodes for which he had been treated,when police had gone to his home they had found the walls covered with pictures of Jimin and ones others had taken of Minho and Jimin laughing at something when he was 'guarding ' Jimin .
The boys had the news on and suddenly a newsflash live from the hospital came on and there was management with Jimin and surrounded by bodyguards."what's going on?"said Suga.
"Jimin thought the only way to shut this down was speak himself,"RM said.
The cameras focused on Jimin who looked pale and bruised. He was visibly shaking but then the manager put his arm around him and Jimin then spoke ."T-thank you all for coming here,as you can see I'm ok(deep breath) my condolences for Minho's family this has been hard for them,losing someone like this is tragic,we should raise awareness of mental health problems as we never know what demons people are fighting ,thus I cannot blame Minho for doing this he spoke to me about being infatuated with me and that no one else could have me but this was his health issues talking I'm sure,at any other time he had been a colleague if only for a short time,please forgive him......." He stopped as an elderly couple stepped towards him, guards immediately stopping them,before he heard the man say"We are Minho's parents, please accept our deepest apologies ," they bowed to Jimin who rushed forward crying for them to stand before he knelt down on the floor before them ,asking for their forgiveness,cameras clicked at this moving humbling act .the older couple pulled Jimin up patting his back before walking away,Jimin told his management to make sure they got home safely as he was then rushed out the door to the car ,Kai protecting the crying boy from inquisitive eyes,Jimin got in turning to Kai and whispering ,"thank you Kai for saving my life," Kai nodded at the small boy patting his back then shutting the door allowing the car to drive off.
The boys had seen the moving interview on tv and now anxiously awaited Jimins return. Half an hour later the door opened and he was rushed by an excited group of boys hugging him and asking if he was ok before allowing him to sit down on a sofa Jungkook on one side and Tae on the other .
"We are so glad you are okay "said Suga ," yeah especially when we knew it was you that someone was after," said Tae,
Jimin look surprised," you know it's me all the time," he said looking around to see the others nodding.
"We didn't want you to be upset,"RM spoke up.
Jimin didn't know how to feel,he had been so scared at the time when Minho had suddenly dragged him away ,tying his hands and taping his mouth,telling him that he was his special friend and nobody else could have him,but all this time he had his protectors around him,"thanks guys," he tearfully said, starting to sob uncontrollably finally letting the enormity of the situation he had been in burst out.
Jungkook pulled Jimin to his feet telling the others he would take Jimin to the room and rest. He got the small boy to their room and pulled the covers back telling the boy to lie down but he got agitated telling Jungkook he didn't want to be on his own so Jungkook slipped onto the bed with him pulling the cover over them and letting Jimin snuggle into his chest his head under Jungkooks chin and Jungkook patting his back gently ,allowing him to doze peacefully secure in Jungkooks arms.
Two days had passed,Jimin was on the road to recovery,bruises and scrapes healing and his mindset in a better place. He had even started bickering with Jungkook.
"Hey Kookie,why are you still in MY bed?"
"You know why ?we had to stay here"
"Not anymore ?"
"Erm.......well because,"
"Because what?"
"Because.........I feel safer,"he lied.
"You feel safer?"
"Yer,I think I'm gonna stay here now ,Tae too!"
"What,!!!Ive gotta keep sharing with's my bed now!!!"
"Nah Jiminee,it's our bed," he said smirking.
Jungkook had let the management know that he and Tae were giving up the apartment so the next day all their stuff had been packed and delivered to them where they unpacked and put in their shared rooms .
" we should get single beds in the rooms" said JHope .
" you are not getting rid off my......our bed," said Jimin,"it's so comfy,"
Jungkook silently smirked .
" We are ok too,aren't we Tae?" Suga said getting a smile from the other boy," yes fine", he said.
JHope tutted an " ok then" and let them get in with sorting stuff out.
A week passed ,many letters and emails had come for Jimin wishing him well which brought a big smile to his face. He slept well at night putting it all down to the big comfy bed not knowing that every night Jungkook dragged him towards him and spooned him kissing his neck and wanting to do much more.

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