Ch 2

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- picture above is Nolan, played by Booboo Stewart (you can just imagine what his friends look like)

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- picture above is Nolan, played by Booboo Stewart (you can just imagine what his friends look like)

TW: this chapter does include some teenage drinking and smoking, as well as some swearing. Also talks about sex and there's a make out session. Don't read if that triggers you or you don't feel comfortable reading that sort of stuff and please feel free to reach out if you are struggling with something. I'm sure that there are many people willing to help. Including me. (Sorry that was long.)

"Hey babe." I heard my 16 year old boyfriend Nolan greet me. His hands snaked around my waist and he turned me around to give me a quick peck on the cheek. "Me and the boys were planning on taking a day off. Like to come?"

I smiled at the thought. I mean I could use a break right? I have been running my entire family for months. "Sure. Let me go grab my stuff."


Nolan, his 4 friends and I hopped out of his mini van, running to our regular spot which had all of our alcohol and cigarettes. Before mom died I wouldn't have done any of this stuff, but I didn't really care about my well being anymore.

"Here Avery." Charlie handed me a beer and I took it gladly. I needed something to clear my mind. I guzzled the thing like it was nothing and quickly asked for a second one.

An hour later we were all drunk out of our minds. Charlie, Bill, Greg, and Sam were off doing who knows what leaving me and Nolan alone. He send a smirk to me from across the cave and I nodded in return knowing fully well what he meant. Smiling he took my hand and drunkenly lead the way to our own secret tree house that we had built a couple years ago.

As soon as we reached the top of the tree house I jumped on top of him and began kissing his neck. He grunted as I started grinding against him and I smirked as I felt his bulge grow underneath me. My dominance was short lived however when Nolan decided he had had enough.

Flipping me over he whispered in my ear, "You're cute when you're on top, but I like you better down here." His lips moved down to my collar bone and soon I was a moaning mess beneath him.


After 4 rounds Nolan finally decided he had had enough for one day and slid out of me, throwing the condom he wore aside.

"That was amazing." He breathed, collapsing next to me. I nodded and snuggled up next to him passing out almost immediately.

A/n: this was kinda short too but I wanted to make sure people who didn't want to read this kind of stuff could skip this chapter and still understand mostly what's going on. Anyways hope you enjoy.

I don't plan on writing a full smut for this story so don't ask me please.

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