2k!! Please Read

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Thank you guys so so much for 2k. You guys have been lovely readers. A month ago I was afraid to post anything I'd written in fear of people not liking it, but I'm glad I was able to overcome that and publish this.

Also, sorry I haven't posted the past few days I've been busy and spent all of my creativity on building an obstacle course for a school challenge. It turned out really well considering I live in a small town with 5,000 people. We had at least 100 kids show up.

I don't plan on updating this today but I did just post a really long Natasha Romanoff one shot. I found it in my notebook from last year and changed it up a bit, but it was kinda inspired by something my crush always says to me. It'd be neat if you guys could check it out and give feedback cause I've spent a few hours on it.

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