Ch 10

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⚠️Tw: rape and abuse...if that bothers/triggers you then please skip this chapter. ⚠️

Ok I lied. I didn't end up dismissing his actions. Ferris' gaze was on me throughout the whole entire inspection. It definitely didn't go unnoticed though, Kelly gently tucked my behind her after realizing what was going on. God she was a life saver. We had just gotten through the tiger cages when I couldn't take it anymore. Ferris' gaze didn't make me feel comfortable in my own body.

"I'm gonna go by the foxes again." I notified Kelly. I figured I could go there since we had already passed them.


I was sitting by the fox enclosure reading The Art of Racing in the Rain when I heard a branch break in the woods behind the cage. I stood up quickly and started looking around but soon a hand was pressed to my eyes and my mouth. My book was soon forgotten about as I was dragged away into the woods.

I squirmed in the person's grip but they were too strong and picked me after throwing a bag onto my head, carrying me away to who knows where.

"Mmm hmm mhmm." I tried to scream for the person to stop but they still had a hand on my mouth. I attempted to scream again but something hit my head knocking me out cold.


When I awoke I found myself cuffed to the bed and stripped naked.

"Well well well, you're awake." I heard a voice that seemed familiar echo in the room.

"No shit Sherlock." I snapped, feeling very uncomfortable in my position right now.

"None of that." Walter Ferris demanded as he walked into the room, also stark naked. I closed my eyes as tight as I could to avoid looking at his old, disgusting body. "We can either do this the hard way, or the easy way. All you have to do is listen to me." I could tell he had a smirk plastered on his creepy face.

" your eyes and look at me!" I closed my eyes even tighter but was met by a harsh slap to my abdomen causing me to cry out in pain. "I said open them!" He screamed.

I opened my eyes slowly and saw him hovering above me, just high enough so he wasn't touching my skin.


It seemed like hours passed before Ferris was done with me. My body was covered in bruises and cuts from his beating after I miss behaved. He eventually untied me, saying that he would kill me and my family if I ever told anyone about this.

I was left naked and hurt with a pile of clothes in an old rusty building. I stumbled out of there hours later once I was able to stand up and get my clothes on.

It was completely dark now so I was taken for quite a long time. The old building was also in the middle of the woods with nothing but trees surrounding it. Well shit. I mentally screamed realizing that it was gonna be hard to get back.

I did get back, but only hours later when the sun was beginning to peak up over the trees. Well I got back to the zoo. I passed out at the monkey cage, but at least I wasn't in the woods anymore.

Kelly's POV:

It was almost morning and Benjamin and I were still looking for Avery. We had lost Buster early in the afternoon yesterday and easily found him, but we were still on the search for Avery.

I went looking for her after we found Buster to get her for dinner, but she was no where near the foxes. I searched the whole zoo and only after did I really start to panic. We got the whole squad to search but we didn't have any luck. Now it was just me and Benjamin, the others had gone to bed and promised to help in the morning.

"I'll go back towards the zoo and check again, you keep looking around the woods." I instructed Benjamin. He nodded and I ran off to the zoo again.

"Avery!" I called out as I ran around the enclosures. "Avery! Are you out here?" I got no reply but continued yelling anyway, thinking that it would make her magically appear.

I was running past the monkey cage when I saw a body curled up against the fence. "Oh my God." I muttered to myself as I ran to the passed out girl.

"Ben I found her. I'm gonna take her to the Jaguar, she has a bunch of cuts and bruises everywhere." I told him into the walkie talkie.

"Oh thank God. I'll be there in 20 minutes." He responded back as I lifted the girl up into my arms. I couldn't help but feel a mother instinct for Avery. She felt like the child I never had. Maybe it was because we had a lot in common or that I liked her personality, but I had grown to care about her.

Seeing her like this made my blood boil. She didn't deserve to be treated like this. Avery groaned as I walked her to the Jaguar and soon her eyes were open again.

"Kelly.." I shushed her as we walked through the front doors and I set her down on a table to be patched up.

"I've got you." I whispered to her softly as I grabbed the med kit. "Can I take off your shirt?" Avery nodded slightly and I peeled the dirty material off of her skin, leaving her in a bra and causing her to whine.

"It's ok. We just have to clean you up and then I won't hurt you anymore okay." She nodded again but I needed to hear her say it. "Okay?" I repeated sternly.

"Okay." She muttered.

"Good, now let's get you cleaned up."


A/n: I have no idea what I just decided to write and I'm not sure I even really like it but I don't feel like writing a whole new chapter. I just felt in the mood to write something traumatic ig and I don't really have a plan set in stone for the story.

Also I'm taking creative writing as a class for my first semester so hopefully I get better at writing so I can write another story (Mcu probably) that's much better then this one and go back and edit this when I get the time.

Not As It Seems - We Bought A Zoo FanficWhere stories live. Discover now