Chapter 10

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"I told you I'd see you again." A voice sounds from behind us. Donovan whips around and stands in front of me protectively from what lay in front of us. He lets out a low growl. But all the person does is laugh.


"She's quite beautiful, isn't she, Donovan." The person said stepping closer causing another deep growl from Donovan. 

"Yes, and she's mine." Donovan spits at the person. 

"Who are you?" I said. Donovan seems to know him, and Alyssa knows him, but nobody told me.

"Oh my, where are my manners?" The man bows. "My name is Aurel." He says catching my eye and sending me a wink. I felt drawn to him, like he's a magnet and I'm metal. I start to drift forward but a hand on my thigh stops me.

"That is no way to treat a lady." Aurel clicks his tongue while fixing the cuffs on his button down shirt. His shirt is tight to the skin and shows his definitely muscular build. His pants are tight but not the revealing tight. He runs his hands through his hair in a way that will make girls drool.

"What do you want with her?" Donovan asks as I sit on my bed, ready to let the men hash this one out. Aurel does something to my head and Donovan and I are, complicated. 

"I don't want anything with her, I want her."  Aurel's deep eyes land on mine, in a sincere way, not a possessive way. 

"She's mine." Donovan says again.

"Tell me, Donovan, have you claimed her yet?" Aurel looks over at me.

"Yes." Donovan says straightening. 

"Hmm I see." In a flash Aurel was in front of, staring deep into my eyes. "Liar. I smell your scent in her, only faintly."

"H-how do you make someone yours? And what do you mean you smell his scent in  me?" I ask not breaking eye contact with Aurel. He straightens. 

"Well, darling, to start off, you must drink the blood of the one who wishes to claim you, than, said person must drink yours within twenty four hours. Tell me love, have you felt any of the above, stronger, faster, lighter?" My eyes widen.

"Yes, actually I have, all of today." I say finally breaking eye contact to look at Donovan.

"The tea you gave me yesterday, did it," I pause, my heart beat quickening. All Donovan does is look away. That explains the odd taste.

"So you were just planning to waltz in here tonight and take my blood? Without asking?" I feel lightheaded, how could he? He didn't even ask. After everything he did to get me back, why would he screw it up like this? "The attraction I felt towards you after almost hating you, is it because of it?"

"No, you have to feel attraction already. All the blood did, was heighten every emotion and physical ability you already posses. And you didn't even get her permission? That's low, Donovan." Aurel shakes his head. "Are you okay, darling?"

"No, no I am not. I drank vampire blood against my will and then I almost had my own blood drank against my will I-I'm definitely not okay." I say my heart racing as I take in everything. 

"Love, please understand it was all to protect you, I promise! It's dangerous out there, with people like him out there I just want you to be safe.  I wouldn't have drank from you without your permission, I'm not a monster!" Donovan comes to my side and pleads to me. I can't breathe at this point as two men stand in front of me both trying to talk to me and take me. 

"Have you truly  proven to me you aren't?" I whisper and his face falls. "You both need to leave. Please. I can't do anymore of this tonight." I say hoping they will respect my wishes. They both nod, and within a flash, they are gone, leaving me alone. I pull out my phone and text Alyssa.

ME: Sleepover? Please?

ALYSSA: Be there in five.

ME: <3

Five minutes later I'm leading Alyssa to my room explaining to her what happened including Donovan feeding me his blood through tea. 

"I can't believe he did that." She said putting her hand to her forehead.  She sighs. "He meant well, but he went about it all wrong, no suprise. I'm sorry." She pulls me into a hug. 

"It's okay. Let's just say my window is being locked and screwed shut until further notice." We giggle. We turn on the TV and search for a movie to watch. All of a sudden Donovan is back in my room breathing heavily, fear in his eyes. 

"I'm so sorry I tried to compromise with him but he wouldn't. You have to come with me or else he-"

"Donovan, slow down, what is happening?" I say standing. He grabs me and Alyssa by the hands and in a flash we are in a clearing in an unknown place. The clearing is lit by two torches on either side of a very angry looking man holding a child. The man is looking down and breathing heavily. Donovan is also breathing heavy and I finally notice he's bleeding from multiple places on his body. I'm assuming the figure doesn't look much better.

The figure looks up and the torch flames soar, showing his face. Its Aurel. The child's face is also light up. Tony!  He has blood running down his head.

"Tony!" I scream and lurch forward, but Donovan held me back. By now I'm extremely aware of my rising pulse and racing heartbeat. Aurel's eyes flash to me. They are glowing a deep red, different than Donovans. He smiles and turns his head.

"I see your pet  can follow orders well. Give her too me or the boy dies." He bellows. I start to run over again but Donovan holds me back.

"Your bluffing!" He yells back. Aurel smiles and glances at the child.

"Last chance!" He yells back.

"Please Donovan, let me go please! Tony doesn't deserve this. You can always get me back. I don't know who all has been hurt or died, but please don't make Tony one of them." I plead. He searches my eyes before letting me go. I full on sprint towards Tony. I stop short when in a split second Aurel brings Tony's neck to his face and let's out a stomach turning growl. A snapping, ripping, and crunching sound echoes in the clearing, and Aurel tosses his head back. Blood drips from his face, and an artery hangs from his mouth. He spits it out and drops Tony, looking directly at me.

"NO!" I scream and run to his side. I pick him up off the ground and hold him to me, sobbing into his chest. "This can't be happening." I repeat over and over into him as I listen hopefully for his heartbeat, which never comes. I scream again and continue to cry into him. He didn't deserve this, it's all my fault.  

There was a hand on my back and then we were gone. I look up and around, my eyes still blurry with tears. I'm on the dark floor of a bedroom still holding my dead brother, soaked in his blood. Aurel comes in and looks at me sympathetically. He kneels next to me and takes Tony's body from me.

"No, please don't take him from me again." I plead.

"Honey, he's already gone." He says as he disappears with my brother, leaving me alone in an unfamiliar room.

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