Chapter Twenty Three: Oakwood Drive

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A/N: I can't believe this is the last chapter!!! 😭😭😭 (It's gonna be a long one too lol) this has been such a journey for me, and I hope for you guys too! It honestly just feels surreal! If anyone has any suggestions/ideas for the sequel let me know!

There was an alarm blaring, but I could barely hear it. I couldn't even process what had happened. I looked down at Cashlin, lying on the floor. Her eyes were open, but unseeing. Her hand was still clutching mine, nails digging into my skin.

Voices broke me out of my trance. I could hear yelling farther down the hallway, and it sounded as if it was coming closer. I forced myself to my feet. I knew what I needed to do. I needed to find the elevator Beatrix had mentioned, and I needed to escape. But how was I going to find it in time?

That would mean I would have to find Beatrix, since she knew where it was. I didn't know how to feel about that. I kind of hated her. I didn't trust her. But I wasn't about to leave her behind. I started off running down the hallway, in the opposite direction of the nearing voices.

I pulled my phone out of my pocket, praying it was still intact. Thankfully, it was. I noticed I had ten missed calls from Olivia. I felt guilt rise in me. I had completely forgotten about her. She must be worried sick. Promising myself I would call her as soon as possible, I quickly typed in Beatrix's number.

She picked up on the second ring. "That was fast," she said.

"Where's the elevator?" I demanded. "I need to get out of here."

"So do I," she replied. "Let's meet up, what are the door numbers near you?"

I looked around. "I don't really know." I admitted. "Cashlin sort of destroyed the hallway."

There was a short silence. "Cashlin? As in Alyssa's sister?!"

"It's a long story." I continued to run along the hallway. Then I saw that I had reached the point of doors again. "I'm in the seventies." I told her. "Where are you?"

"I'm not sure, but I can feel you're close to me."

This made me pause. "How can you not know where you are?"

She didn't answer, and I heard some shuffling through the phone. "What are you doing?" I asked, confused. "Are you in a hallway?"

"No," she said. "I'm in an office, and-" she stopped. I listened, and I was sure I heard heavy footsteps through the phone, not Beatrix's light gait. Then, they went away. "I'm back," she said.

"Was there someone there?" I asked.

"Yes, but they went away. I'm going to go into the hallway now to try and find you."

"Okay," I said. "Can you tell me the road of the house this is under?"

"Oakwood Drive, it's a dead end street right by a forest." Then, before I could say anything more, she hung up. I sighed, and leaned up against the wall. I figured I was safe there. All the guardsmen that had been coming would probably stop when they saw Cashlin's body.

Then, my phone rang. I looked down at the screen, and saw it was Olivia calling again. I picked up, and held the phone to my ear. "I'm okay," I said quickly, before she could say anything.

I heard a relived sigh. "Okay, good. Where are you? What happened?!"

"I got kidnapped. It's a long story. Do you know where Oakwood Drive is?"

"You got kidnapped?"

I sighed. "I'll explain later, but right now I really need your help. Can you get to Oakwood Drive?"

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