Chapter Four: A Midnight Meeting

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A/N: in this we're finally going to be learning her backstory, along with the backstory of another character!

"Telekinesis is the supposed ability of moving objects using purely mental power," I read off the screen. Well, I already knew that, I had been hoping for something a bit more staggering.

Holding back a yawn, I clicked on a few different sites but didn't find anything that interested me, they were mostly just about books and movies about magical people, and I couldn't really use that. Just as I was about to shut down the computer and sneak back to my room, I heard footsteps approaching.

I mashed the power button frantically, and when after five seconds that felt like an eternity, the screen went black and I hurried across the library and ducked behind a bookshelf.

I heard the door to the library creak open, and I peeked around the shelf to see who had come in. To my great surprise, I saw Beatrix, wearing a fleece sweater over a tank top, while adjusting her hair into a braid, her fingers rapid behind her head. How was she doing that without being able to see her hair? That was impressive.

My arm was in an uncomfortable position, and when I tried to move it, I bumped against one of the books. Before I could grab it, it had toppled to the ground. I winced and ducked down even more, but I knew it was no use.

"Is someone there?" Beatrix called, sounding a bit nervous, as she started to walk in my direction. Knowing she was going to find me regardless, I reluctantly stood up, revealing myself from behind the bookshelf.

She seemed surprised to see me. "What are you doing here?" she asked.

"I could ask you the same," I retorted.

She smiled a little. "You start."

I shrugged innocently. "I wanted to use the internet." That wasn't exactly a lie.

"At four thirty in the morning?"

"At least now I don't need permission." I gestured towards the sticky note with the password I had left on the table in my hurry to hide. "They didn't do the best job hiding the password. The staff here aren't the smartest."

She chuckled, throwing her perfect braid over her shoulder. "You can say that again."

"The staff here aren't the smartest."

She suddenly froze, and after a second I knew why. Voices, that sounded like they came from down the hall. Our eyes met, and it seemed like a mutual understanding passed between us of what we had to do.

We both ran as quietly as we could over to the window, and Beatrix started to open it as I watched the door. The voices were growing closer, so close I could hear the conversation. "I assure you I heard footsteps and voices, in the direction of the library," said Maggie. Of course it was Maggie. I had to wonder if she'd ever had a life, at some point.

"I'm sure we can sort it out," another voice replied, a male, and I was so sure it was the orphanage's owner, descending from his office to grace us with his presence in the early hours. If Maggie had gone directly to the top, she must be pretty upset.

Getting in trouble with him was not on my agenda, so I hopped out of the window without hesitation. It was on the first floor, so it wasn't a long jump. Beatrix followed a moment later, too slow for my liking. I was sure she must have been seen, but apparently she hadn't. The two of us then began to attempt to close the window, which was a task that was hard to do fast when you were trying to make as little noise as possible. I turned to Beatrix frantically. It was now or never.

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