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I wake up to cold air blowing on my upper half. I pull the covers up to my shoulders, yawning not wanting to get up. Today is my first day at Eden Hall academy since me and my hockey team, the ducks aka team USA, got scholarships.

"Alaska, get up! Come on or I'm not driving you!" My mom yells from downstairs. I hear clattering and banging so I'm assuming she's looking for something like she is every morning.

I get up out of bed, walk over to my dresser and pick an outfit for today. I decide on black jeans, a dark green t-shirt and my black converse. I put it on my bed and do my bathroom routine then get dressed.
"Hey Sadie" I say to my cat quickly petting her before rushing downstairs.

"Here, hurry up I gotta get to work" my mom states handing me a napkin with 2 piece's of buttered toast on it.

"Thanks mom, but I'm not hungry" I say putting the toast on the counter.

"Ok, then eat it after school. Ugh, where are my keys!"

She's walked by her keys 4 times.

"Right here mom, and I'm not coming home after school remember?" I say handing her her keys.

"Oh right, I forgot" she grabs her keys from me. "Well let's go then, before you're late."

I get it the car and we drive about 15 minutes to Eden Hall. We say our I love you's and give hugs and I set off on campus to find at least one other person from the team.

"Excuse me!" An impatient voice says from behind me. A girl on a horse goes by leaving me standing there with my mouth hanging open.

"Damn, these people got money" I say to myself. I'm not poor or anything but I definitely don't have 'prestigious school and horse' kind of money.

After about 5 minutes of wandering I finally see Julie and Russ walking behind a group of kids. Julie looks badass as always and Russ looks actually decent for once. I'm not exactly use to seeing him dressed up in any type of way.

"Julie, Russ!" I yell. They wip their heads around to me then smile when they realize who it is.
They motion for me to come over, so I jog over to the two.

"Hey Alaska, you're looking hot as always" Julie compliments.

"Thanks Jules, and of course you look as badass as ever" you reply. Julie smiles and Russ scoffs.

"Neither of you look that good ok. Sky wears this on a daily basis and you just tucked your shirt in and threw on a belt." Russ rolls his eyes as he says the belt part.
Sky has always been one of my nicknames. Las is the other one. Averman came up with it, since it sounds so much like Les (his nickname) he likes it and I do too.

"Oh shut up, you're just jealous you look like someone's forgotten cousin." I snap back at him. He puts his hand on his chest and opens his mouth to make it look like what I just said actually affected him.

"That was uncalled for." He says dramatically. You and Julie both laugh a bit.

"Where's everyone else?" You asks no one in particular.

"I think the rest of the boys are skatin- oh wait, there's Dwayne, Luis and Kenny!" Julie says pointing to something behind me. I turn around and see Dwayne, Luis and Kenny walking toward us. I smile and wave to them and all three of them wave back with smiles. In Luis's case, a smirk.

"Howdy ladies, and Russ" Dwayne says tipping his hat slightly.

"Who says I'm not a lady?" Russ says putting a hand on his hip.

"Are you?" Kenny asks.

"Hmm....nah, I like being a dude. Kinda" Russ replies.
We all laugh a bit.

"Hello princessa, did you miss me?" Luis asks giving me a flirtatious look.

"Hm, not really. I actually miss not having to deal with you a lot."

Luis rolls his eyes and smirks at me again.

"Stop doing that" I say pushing his face back.

"Hey hey, watch the hair!" Luis says.
He's...grown a lot since he joined the ducks. He's always been hot, don't get me wrong. It's just that now girls are noticing and he's usually a horny monster all the time which leads to him flirting with me. A lot. He does it with Julie and Connie too just not as often.

"Trust me, I'd make it look better." I say giving him a look.

"I know many ways you can make my hair look better, or worse-"

"Ok, shut your face before I kick it, mk? Mk." Russ says before walking ahead of us toward Eden Hall. We all follow.

"You know, I think this place is running very low on the brothers quotient." Russ says as we all look around at all the richness.

"Yeah, hey I wanna know who this new coach O'Ryan is. My dad said if I don't like him I can come straight home." Julie says to the group.

"That's nice, my dad said I better stay in on scholarship or he'll whip my butt." Russ says casually causing me to giggle a bit.

"Y'know, I heard in the dorms the guy played for the Minnesota North stars and he got suspended for punching out his own coach" Luis says looking from me to Russ.

"Where'd you hear that?" I ask.

"People." He shurugs.

"You mean the Dallas stars. I already punched out a fan" Dwayne says proudly.

"I already was a budist, You know like Kung Fu or Richard Gere."

I kinda tuned out of the conversation after that. I look around at all the buildings and people. Theres a group of guys talking and laughing. One if them looks over at us and waves. No one else sees it so I'm the only one who waves back, oddly slow. I don't know why. He probably thinks I'm weird now, not that I really care. I finally decide to tune back into the conversation.

"I'm not being rude, I'm just saying she looks like she dyed it!"

We finally make it inside and go to the auditorium where everyone else is headed. The place is packed as hell, but it wasn't too hard to find a place to sit. I end up in between Julie and Luis.

"You know you Ducks don't belong here at Eden Hall." I hear a voice say from behind me.
I turn around and see a group of boys in red and white letterman jackets. The fat one gives me a nasty look so I flip him off in response giving him the same face back.

"What?" Russ says turning around.

"Calm down Russ, they probably just think we're someone else," Dwayne says turning to the boys. "Hi, I'm Dwayne and you are?" He says putting his hand out.
I love Dwayne to death, but sometimes he can be so annoyingly clueless.
The fat one takes his gum out of his mouth and squishes it in Dwayne's hand.

"Varsity, the only hockey team" the guy that spoke first says.

"Are you guys also called dick heads because if you're not you should be, it's very fitting." I say smiling sarcastically at him.

I notice the boy I say earlier giggle a bit and lower his head apparently so the others don't see.

"You know my little brother lost his JV spot when they brought you yo-yo's in here." The same brown haired dick head says.

"He probably wasn't good enough." Julie says earning a snicker from Russ.

"See that's my dad" the brown haired boy says pointing to one of the old white men on stage. "He's gonna get the board to revoke your scholarships, just you wait."

"That's your dad?" Russ starts. "Nice outfit, does it come with a yacht?"

The fat guy mocks laughter then rolls his eyes. I turn around laughing with the others.

"This is gonna be one hell of a school year huh?" I whisper to Luis.

"Oh yeah, definitely" he whispers back.

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